I just saved a mans life 15 minutes ago

just to be clear, OP joined a week ago and has made literally hundreds of posts in politics about KKK-approved whisper campaigns about how jews steal organs from haitans.

and he refers to jews as (((jews))). it's something the neo-nazi skinheads have been doing lately so that you know someone is a (((jew))).

i'd bet $5,000 that he checked for any signs of jewishness before trying to help, or just made the whole story up.
Everyone has the right to believe what they want. I highly doubt any of that went thru his mind at the moment even if that was the case. How does anyone know someone is "Jew"? I don't understand people, maybe its a good thing I don't.
Everyone has the right to believe what they want. I highly doubt any of that went thru his mind at the moment even if that was the case. How does anyone know someone is "Jew"? I don't understand people, maybe its a good thing I don't.

in another thread I used this pattern ((( BaM!))) to show sound waves from the bam & apparently he thinks that's some nazi code for I hate Jews,there is something seriously wrong with that guys brain
Why would someone make something like this up? I know alot of people are full of shit and make stuff up but this seems like something serious to me and not something to make up. I really dont understand people. Kinda glad I don't.
so who else is down for some totally respectful and civil discourse about how jews are stealing people's organs?
If that's true I doubt "Jews" are the only ones doing it. There's bad and good of all races and people. What's so bad about Jewish people? I've never understood this. Why are "Jews" so bad and why do people hate them?
My last interaction with a cop wasn't all that bad. It was the fat bitch on my cousins car that was the problem. My dumb ass cousin @Lamborghini leg lock went to get more beer for us. He was drunk af and bumped into this lady's uhaul trailer. Like and idiot he tried to roll out like nothing happened so she figured the best thing to do was jump on his hood and call the cops. I paid her $50 or something like that and she got off and leftView attachment 3772302
That's one hell of a camel toe she's rockin.

As soon as she left I fired up the smoker so the cops would smell bbq instead of weed. When the cop got there he thought we were the ones that called and told me if she comes back to call them again lol I just said ok.
looks like the whole foot.
I had to take a second look. At first I thought it was a u haul trailer on the car.
My last interaction with a cop wasn't all that bad. It was the fat bitch on my cousins car that was the problem. My dumb ass cousin @Lamborghini leg lock went to get more beer for us. He was drunk af and bumped into this lady's uhaul trailer. Like and idiot he tried to roll out like nothing happened so she figured the best thing to do was jump on his hood and call the cops. I paid her $50 or something like that and she got off and leftView attachment 3772302
That's one hell of a camel toe she's rockin.

As soon as she left I fired up the smoker so the cops would smell bbq instead of weed. When the cop got there he thought we were the ones that called and told me if she comes back to call them again lol I just said ok.
My last interaction with a cop wasn't all that bad. It was the fat bitch on my cousins car that was the problem. My dumb ass cousin @Lamborghini leg lock went to get more beer for us. He was drunk af and bumped into this lady's uhaul trailer. Like and idiot he tried to roll out like nothing happened so she figured the best thing to do was jump on his hood and call the cops. I paid her $50 or something like that and she got off and leftView attachment 3772302
That's one hell of a camel toe she's rockin.

As soon as she left I fired up the smoker so the cops would smell bbq instead of weed. When the cop got there he thought we were the ones that called and told me if she comes back to call them again lol I just said ok.
You got off cheap on that one GG ...she's a big one and that fupa she's packing looks like it could do damage ...nice work

Oh and for the noobs or people who may not know FUPA stands for ....front upper pussy area
Anytime I actually need the police they treat me like I'm the one that did something wrong or show up because someone called them and told them some stupid shit.

oh shit that's every citizen anymore ,we can thank the dea training police depts were mandated to take back in the late 80's with crack,now everybody is a suspect & in danger 4 being shot,its high time the cops answered 4 their commando type policing,we avoid cops like lepers because u just can't possibly know if you'll wind up hurt,dead or in jail from being a normal citizen,thats why as soon as they pulled the ID check shit I split,cop never ordered me 2 come back so I kept going,I don't fear men but I fear police
To protect and serve doesn't mean anything anymore

ive had a cop tell me 2 my face "my job isn't to protect anybody",I shit u not,now their job is to arrest & lodge or seize,or question with the end goal of arrest or seizure,on the deal where the cop gave me that speach I couldn't find my registration 2 the car but had insurance & valid ID,I thought they were going 2 take my car n tow it off even though it showed it was registered 2 me on their computer.