i just threw my seeds in a pot and left them to grow.......

hi all. jasen from england here. my mates came round mine...had a smoke... and left some seeds behind.. i decided to grow them out of curiosity.

basicly after i germinated them i stuck them in a pot and left them to grow of there own accord, spraying them daily and topping up the bottom saucer when it was empty. they are gowing quite well, i dont use lights or anything (apart from baby bio).

i come across this site (and am sooo glad i did) and read up about the lighting and watering sequences etc, my questions are,

If they are female...

1) should i carry on as i have been or revert to the recommended methods?

2) if i carry on the way i have been what should i expect the outcome to be of my plants?

3) if i carry on the way i have been will it take longer to acheive what a timed light/watering would have taken?

4) what is the life expextancy of a plant?

5) once it has budded is that the end for the plant or will it bud again?

6) what came first, the chicken or the egg

please bear in mind that i am not really a smoker as such and i am not growing for profit, so i am not to bothered about the amount of produce, i just want the plant to grow healthy and strong. i know i am asking alot of questions and if i put my mind to it i could search all the forums for the answers....but hey....i suppose this is what forums are for??
thank you in advance for your advice
jasen :lol::leaf::peace:


Active Member
1) should i carry on as i have been or revert to the recommended methods?
Switch to recommended methods

2) if i carry on the way i have been what should i expect the outcome to be of my plants?
Im not to sure, I dont think it will be good though lol

3) if i carry on the way i have been will it take longer to acheive what a timed light/watering would have taken?
Yeah, Way longer..

4) what is the life expextancy of a plant?
Theres not really and answer to that, To many
variables to give an exact answer

5) once it has budded is that the end for the plant or will it bud again?
Its the end..... :(

6) what came first, the chicken or the egg
They were both put on earth at the same time?



Well-Known Member
once the plant has budded and you harvest,if you do it right you can re-veg it and then flower it again for more buds.


From what I just gathered after Googling, the light your using is a 5 watt "Baby Bio" bulb? If this is correct, definitely start saving up for some better lighting and look around the forums and decide which lighting is best for your needs (Metal Hailed, High Pressure Sodium, Compact Fluorescent, LED). If you plan on growing indoors you must act as the sun and control your plants growth cycle with the amount of light you give it per day. The quality of your plant's buds (and of course the plant itself!) is highly dependant on your lighting.

Dig your head into the forums and keep reading, never expect to find all your answers in one place. Have fun growing!
nice one king, thanks everyonr for your advice, i now have to decide wether to buy all the equipment or just let them grow of their own accord. if i let them grow on their own maybe i should log their development stages?? why i dont know but it may come in handy for future reference ???

yes wrek i do muay thai boxing... very observant, i never noticed it in my pic till you pointed it out,

cheers bam if they come out good i will clone them and invest in proper equiptment

treedr, i am not using lights, thanks for googling for me though i appreiciate it. baby bio is a plant food that i have been using. i have just been letting it grow natrually on my windowsill,

once again. thanks all :)