fdd does occasionally take meds and clones to the clubs, but unfortunatly the politics of buying and selling to the clubs is worse then buying and selling on the street level. they dont want the weed unless it is a purp or a kush. or both for that matter. its really not worth the hassel and most of the time they take your weed and dont pay you tell they sell it.
i have stood in fdd's back yard and let me tell you it is like a whole nother world, his neighbors are close and can see in his back yard. not only that but he gets the occasional swupe and circle by the helicopters but if you have ever met him you would know the aura that surrounds him, he just a really likeable dude and always has a huge smile on his face, from his pictures im sure you can tell why!
enough enough, sorry fdd. but i have to tell them. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST PLANTS I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFE! there i said it. it feels like a big load has been lifted from my shoulders... lol it really is all about

<------ labor of love