I just voted

I'm not sure if there has been a president In my lifetime that I've looked up to as a moral role model.
Trolling, delusional or both. I think the needle fell off yer moral compass awhile ago, you should donate to Donald's reelection/defense fund if you believe that strongly in bullshit.
As a clearly informed individual can you give some sort of specific documentation to support your thesis?
Trump Supporters Deluded Into Believing The President Has Made Them Rich
Democrats hear Trump's lies and dismiss them. But, not the President's base. They believe the lies. Here's the proof.
This is what bullshit and the people who believe it look like, think this is a majority of Americans? Think any of them were honest or even firing on all cylinders? Think Donald has attracted people who are are lot like him, those who bullshit themselves and others, folks with low empathy scores? SAY HELLO TO THE SUICIDE SHEEP, THESE STIRLING EXAMPLES OF THE MODERN REPUBLICAN PARTY!
Sensible Canadians are not liberals. Liberals have worse spending habits than meth users.
The deficit explodes and the economy collapses under republicans

But at least you got a like from the idiot who thinks we should have a barter economy

Im not sure why any of you assume I would vote for trump, I didn't. I ended up voting vote mostly for democrats on my past two ballots. But since I don't share exact views with people in this thread you guys go into mob mentality...super.

I'm asking why you assume all republicans are the , which they arent. Both alt right and alt left people scare the fuck out of me. Can you guys at least research people before you vote for them?

Ron Paul is racist, but he has other views I agreed with over other candidates at the time.

Is there any politician any of you perfectly align with? I bet not, but there are lesser of evils.

I am going to unfollow this thread though as it isn't really why I'm on riu. If you'd like to directly talk to me about it or change my mind on things, feel free to start a conversation with me.
Im not sure why any of you assume I would vote for trump, I didn't. I ended up voting vote mostly for democrats on my past two ballots. But since I don't share exact views with people in this thread you guys go into mob mentality...super.

I'm asking why you assume all republicans are the , which they arent. Both alt right and alt left people scare the fuck out of me. Can you guys at least research people before you vote for them?

Ron Paul is racist, but he has other views I agreed with over other candidates at the time.

Is there any politician any of you perfectly align with? I bet not, but there are lesser of evils.

I am going to unfollow this thread though as it isn't really why I'm on riu. If you'd like to directly talk to me about it or change my mind on things, feel free to start a conversation with me.
There is no "but" after saying somebody is racist, especially an influential politician. Once a person is willing to harm others because they believe the "others" are lower life forms then there can be no redeeming qualities that make up for their sickness.

Of course a white person who isn't affected by racism like Ron Paul's or Trump's might not care how they affect the lives of others.
Ron Paul had his own sub forum on stormfront

There is no "but" after saying somebody is racist, especially an influential politician. Once a person is willing to harm others because they believe the "others" are lower life forms then there can be no redeeming qualities that make up for their sickness.

Of course a white person who isn't affected by racism like Ron Paul's or Trump's might not care how they affect the lives of others.

Why do you think "the racist" Ron Paul continually pointed out the racist drug war was wrong and wanted to end prohibition and end foreign wars and the racist occupation of Japan, S. Korea, Africa and middle east etc. ?

Whereas Obama and Clinton bombed and droned dark skinned foreigners and didn't end the racist drug war or the racist US empire.

I'd love to hear your well thought out response.
Why do you think "the racist" Ron Paul continually pointed out the racist drug war was wrong and wanted to end prohibition and end foreign wars and the racist occupation of Japan, S. Korea, Africa and middle east etc. ?

Whereas Obama and Clinton bombed and droned dark skinned foreigners and didn't end the racist drug war or the racist US empire.

I'd love to hear your well thought out response.
Ron Paul wrote a newsletter blaming the Jews for the wtc bombing and instructed readers how to plant guns in the corpses of black children they shot
Im not sure why any of you assume I would vote for trump, I didn't. I ended up voting vote mostly for democrats on my past two ballots. But since I don't share exact views with people in this thread you guys go into mob mentality...super.

I'm asking why you assume all republicans are the , which they arent. Both alt right and alt left people scare the fuck out of me. Can you guys at least research people before you vote for them?

Ron Paul is racist, but he has other views I agreed with over other candidates at the time.

Is there any politician any of you perfectly align with? I bet not, but there are lesser of evils.

I am going to unfollow this thread though as it isn't really why I'm on riu. If you'd like to directly talk to me about it or change my mind on things, feel free to start a conversation with me.
Isn't "mob mentality " threatening to lock up political enemies and encouraging hatred?