I know I know.....it's been done before.....


Well-Known Member
My first "starter kit" of General Organics nutrients is almost finished off, and while I have absolutely no complaints about this product, I always wonder if there's something better for organic soil growing than what I'm currently using.

For myself, I'm most interested in the best nutrients for flowering, but am opening up this discussion to organic nutrients in general.

What is the best brand of nutrients for vegging and flowering?


Well-Known Member
After using several other brands, I have settled on Dynagro. I use protekt & grow for veg and protekt, grow and bloom for flowering. I also use cla-mag because my tap water is very soft.

My plants look great, the stuff is inexpensive and I dont get the huge drops in pH I was getting with other ferts.


Well-Known Member
i'm currently using this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PLANT-MAGIC-PLUS-OLD-TIMER-ORGANIC-SOIL-BLOOM-PLANT-FOOD-1L-/230939989326?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item35c518954e

As well as having the correct proportion of

NPK to ensure a healthy crop right through to harvest, this special formula will also feed beneficial fungi and micro-organisms ensuring a happy, thriving growing medium.

never been happier! it's kept my plants nice and healthy and i'm now heading on week 6 flowering with green leaves a plenty and no deficiancys. am also using the plant magic + soil which is superb. ;)


Well-Known Member
I have used Bio Bizz Grow and Bloom with Bio Bizz All Mix soil and also Plant Magic like above with the Plant Magic soil and that was very nice too. Both great products. I preferred the plant magic soil slightly though, felt more airy.