Hi everybody,
Being an extremely new member, I have a notice saying please post, so don't blame me!
I am now a pensioner and I live in the UK. One of the reasons I find myself on this site is because I have a physical neurological problem that causes intense pain in the nerves and muscles in my face. I 've had the problem for many years and it has messed my life up, although I try to maintain a sense of humour. However I have been told that Cannabis is good for neurological pain and although alcohol helps a lot, I enjoy it but its obviously not good for anyone to drink all the time.
I have tried to obtain some locally on several occasions without success. The first time I went in a pub that used to be known for drugs, athough not now, and asked discreetly in there but nearly got thrown out! I walked all around a local street where I know its available and asked a lot of people without success. So I don't know what to do.
If I could only get some good stuff mail order I'd be delighted, but where? Should anybody have any ideas about that you could leave me some private mail.
Anyway I'm sure that I will finish up growing some eventually indoors and I can imagine that apart from the obvious benefits it could be an enjoyable hobby. As the heading suggests, I know absolutely nothing, never even having smoked pot so I have a number of questions I'd like to ask to ask. Some of them will sound pretty stupid, but if you don't ask you don't learn. I wouldn't expect necessarily one person to answer all the questions but if some of you answer what you want, perhaps I'll get them all. Good for someone who wants typing practice!! Here we go...
What is resin and can you smoke it?
Can you smoke all the plant including the stems?
Can it be smoked green or must it be dried?
How do you know its ready to use?
Once its ready, how long can you keep it?
What sized pot would you need for the average plant?
How many plants would you need to cultivate for one
persons moderate daily use?
I assume you would need to plant some every few weeks?
I like to go abroad to Thailand for three months every year although I'm not well off, the living is cheap. If I had some growing which was nearly matured and it was left without watering for three months, I know it would dry up, but would any still be usable when I got back!!
Drugs are harshly dealt with in Thailand but I know you can get the weed. Has anyone any experience of that please?
There you go folks, I'd would really like to hear from you on those questions and also you experiences over the years, embarrassing, funny or otherwise.
Take care and all the best, answer them and I 'll probably have more!

Being an extremely new member, I have a notice saying please post, so don't blame me!
I am now a pensioner and I live in the UK. One of the reasons I find myself on this site is because I have a physical neurological problem that causes intense pain in the nerves and muscles in my face. I 've had the problem for many years and it has messed my life up, although I try to maintain a sense of humour. However I have been told that Cannabis is good for neurological pain and although alcohol helps a lot, I enjoy it but its obviously not good for anyone to drink all the time.
I have tried to obtain some locally on several occasions without success. The first time I went in a pub that used to be known for drugs, athough not now, and asked discreetly in there but nearly got thrown out! I walked all around a local street where I know its available and asked a lot of people without success. So I don't know what to do.
If I could only get some good stuff mail order I'd be delighted, but where? Should anybody have any ideas about that you could leave me some private mail.
Anyway I'm sure that I will finish up growing some eventually indoors and I can imagine that apart from the obvious benefits it could be an enjoyable hobby. As the heading suggests, I know absolutely nothing, never even having smoked pot so I have a number of questions I'd like to ask to ask. Some of them will sound pretty stupid, but if you don't ask you don't learn. I wouldn't expect necessarily one person to answer all the questions but if some of you answer what you want, perhaps I'll get them all. Good for someone who wants typing practice!! Here we go...
What is resin and can you smoke it?
Can you smoke all the plant including the stems?
Can it be smoked green or must it be dried?
How do you know its ready to use?
Once its ready, how long can you keep it?
What sized pot would you need for the average plant?
How many plants would you need to cultivate for one
persons moderate daily use?
I assume you would need to plant some every few weeks?
I like to go abroad to Thailand for three months every year although I'm not well off, the living is cheap. If I had some growing which was nearly matured and it was left without watering for three months, I know it would dry up, but would any still be usable when I got back!!
Drugs are harshly dealt with in Thailand but I know you can get the weed. Has anyone any experience of that please?
There you go folks, I'd would really like to hear from you on those questions and also you experiences over the years, embarrassing, funny or otherwise.
Take care and all the best, answer them and I 'll probably have more!