I Know So Little It's Laughable!!


Active Member
Hi everybody,

Being an extremely new member, I have a notice saying please post, so don't blame me!

I am now a pensioner and I live in the UK. One of the reasons I find myself on this site is because I have a physical neurological problem that causes intense pain in the nerves and muscles in my face. I 've had the problem for many years and it has messed my life up, although I try to maintain a sense of humour. However I have been told that Cannabis is good for neurological pain and although alcohol helps a lot, I enjoy it but its obviously not good for anyone to drink all the time.

I have tried to obtain some locally on several occasions without success. The first time I went in a pub that used to be known for drugs, athough not now, and asked discreetly in there but nearly got thrown out! I walked all around a local street where I know its available and asked a lot of people without success. So I don't know what to do.

If I could only get some good stuff mail order I'd be delighted, but where? Should anybody have any ideas about that you could leave me some private mail.

Anyway I'm sure that I will finish up growing some eventually indoors and I can imagine that apart from the obvious benefits it could be an enjoyable hobby. As the heading suggests, I know absolutely nothing, never even having smoked pot so I have a number of questions I'd like to ask to ask. Some of them will sound pretty stupid, but if you don't ask you don't learn. I wouldn't expect necessarily one person to answer all the questions but if some of you answer what you want, perhaps I'll get them all. Good for someone who wants typing practice!! Here we go...

What is resin and can you smoke it?

Can you smoke all the plant including the stems?

Can it be smoked green or must it be dried?

How do you know its ready to use?

Once its ready, how long can you keep it?

What sized pot would you need for the average plant?

How many plants would you need to cultivate for one
persons moderate daily use?

I assume you would need to plant some every few weeks?

I like to go abroad to Thailand for three months every year although I'm not well off, the living is cheap. If I had some growing which was nearly matured and it was left without watering for three months, I know it would dry up, but would any still be usable when I got back!!

Drugs are harshly dealt with in Thailand but I know you can get the weed. Has anyone any experience of that please?

There you go folks, I'd would really like to hear from you on those questions and also you experiences over the years, embarrassing, funny or otherwise.

Take care and all the best, answer them and I 'll probably have more!:hug: :hump:
What is resin and can you smoke it? Its the thc oil. Its basically the drug in weed.

Can you smoke all the plant including the stems? Mainly we just smoke the buds. The stem and leaves can be cooked or you can extract the thc out of it and make hash.

Can it be smoked green or must it be dried? You will need to dry it or it wont burn right. Plus in the drying process the sugars break down and it makes it more potent.

How do you know its ready to use? When the buds are dried out and the stems snap a little is when its ready. You dont want it to dry where it crumbles into dust though.

Once its ready, how long can you keep it? Once its dry you can keep it for atleast a year. Everytime I move I find bags all over the house. Some bags were hidden over a year and still smoked good. It was very dry though.

What sized pot would you need for the average plant? 1 gallon for every foot of growth.

How many plants would you need to cultivate for one
persons moderate daily use? I would say 20-30 plants would get you through the season. I smoke a lot. Prolly an oz a week.

I assume you would need to plant some every few weeks? You can do that. But I add about 50 plants to my budding room every 3 weeks or so. You could just do one big crop to hold you over till next time.
Many thanks very experienced person. A lot of things make more sense now. I'm looking forward to getting started, it must be quite a thrill when you first watch your plants developing healthily.
Thrill? understatement. Its similar to a 5 year old on Christmas morning everytime i open my closet. its the very first thing i do when i wake up. and when i come home from work. the feeling of accomplishment is immense. i highly recommend it
I'm from birmingham, about 50 miles from you. My hat is off to you sir, I've smoked for 17 years and have only just had the inclination to grow my own.

The truth is, that in this country you will be much better off growing your own. And a man like yourself walking the streets looking to score is the best way for you to lose your money.

I suggest you read Widow's grow guide as that has everything you need to know. Depending on how many plants you'll be growing it's going to cost at least 200 pounds to set up. You'll find the grow guide in the general marijuana growing forum.

It'll be worth it though me ol' mate. Merely the satisfaction of the plant growing does it for me.

A reason also why you may be having difficulty scoring is that England is suffering it's worse drought for years. The only stuff about is doctored or not worth smoking. There's plenty of resin about though. You should be able to get an oz for about 40 quid. If you've never smoked before I'd imagine that an oz of resin would last you 2 weeks.
Nice one Sublime, :clap:
From looking at your many posts, you are very experienced and probably been growing for some time, (I haven't read em all yet, still learning about the site).

If you are still that enthusiastic and it definately comes over that way, I'm sure its for me. I was already sold on the idea but now even more so. When you get older it really helps to have absorbing interests. I've got a few but needed something new. Now I've found it for sure.

I was just wondering, I'm going to away for a few months at the beginning of December, would I have time to complete a batch by then, or could I make them flower early if not quite ready? Replies from anyone very welcome.

Hi skunkushybrid, :clap:
Thanks a lot for your encouragement, muchly appreciated. So you're from Brum, nice to have a friend just a stones throw away. (Hey a stones throw!! that's a bit of a pun what!) Another highly experienced fella and and an honour to talk to you Sir! I will follow all your advice and I think its well worth at least a couple of hundred to set up.

I have already looked at the Widow's fascinating articles, but will study further. Once I get going I will send you all reports on progress including pics. Will probably start in a couple of weeks when I can get the kit together.

I'm not going to drag round the streets anymore, its too humiliating you know and as you said I'm likely to get ripped off. I've managed for a lot of years till now, I guess I can wait another 3 months eh!

All the best everyone, see yer,

Just a couple of thoughts.

On growing your own: Actually, I've been doing it for so long, that even tho I still enjoy it, it's really just work. BUT for me, the best thing is every time I look in my empty pot tray, I just stroll into the supply room, and select a strain that suits my mood at the time! :-)

THAT and the effect that follows are what make me smile.

The other thing, OKMan, is that you are in a country that has prescription Sativex, the oral spray that contains 2 of the active compounds in cannabis. Why not get a script from your Doctor?

And a trip to A'dam would be most informative!


Some interesting thoughts indeed. Oh! to have a supply room, that would be great for sure. What impresses me about all this is... there is the conception in some quarters that all pot smokers are just scum and that growers are a scourge on society. From reading posts on this site though and from the way it's set up, it's quite obvious that there's some very intelligent, successful and likeable people out there, who are definitely not hopeless drug addicts!! If it's good enough for you guys, it's good enough for me.​

Regarding Savitex spray. In the UK it's only supposed to be prescribed for MS, and then it's purely at the discretion of your doctor. I've got a rare and extremely distressing complaint that nobody knows much about. Also my doctor is a strange guy and has never been a very helpful person. I was told by a local pharmacist that he advised one man who has a weak chest to run round a field in the morning, during the winter months that was. Well the bloke had a heart attack. I did mention Cannabis to him recently and he said " Well you'll have to go out and buy it and smoke it, it's not available in the UK only Canada". I do know that he can get it from there legally though and I'm going to see him soon and have it out with him. If he won't help me and i get busted for growing it, I'm going to publish it nationwide.​

Funny you mentioned Amsterdam because I thought about going there and mailing myself some joints stealthily and possibly ask if anyone there could do mail order.​

I was quite happy about growing it for my own use but now I've got the electrical, use of problem. See my post under indoor growing.​

Nice to speak to you anyway, go select another strain and enjoy,​
