I know this sounds stupid.....


Well-Known Member
could someone pleas explain to me what a vaporizer is,, and.what does it do?? im pretty sure that it suppost clean the smoke that u smoke..but how does it work (if indeed im right)..the onesx that i see in magaziens have digidal numbers on them and ....well u get the point ..any help would be great..thank u all ..smoke on.peace:blsmoke:


basically.. it just heats up bud to the point where it releases all the essential oils that we love so much... but it doesn't burn the weed like a flame does....

thusly there is no real smoke... just vapors


Well-Known Member
I dont understand the ones that you can ajust the temp... are diferent temps better than others???
ever try smoking the bud that is leftover?


Well-Known Member
my friend has the valcano I smoked on that a few times... very nice... very expensive... its smoke... but its not smoke... its vapor... but loks kind of like smoke. and its soooo smothhhh... theres a DIY in the FAQs on how to make one... I think theres 2 or 3 actualy... I tried making one but broke it :(
it heats the bud until the point where all the canabinoids will be vaporized... suposedly by burning weed 50-80% of the THC is destroid. so you smoke less... some like the volcano fill a bag with vapor... i think thats very cool


Well-Known Member
A vaporizer doesn't really produce smoke, it produces fumes. As a result, you get a lot fucking higher without the hastle of dealing with smoke and whatnot. It's an interesting change of pace. Not cheap for a good one though.


Well-Known Member
yeah he even tells you what patients prefer which level of vaped weed too...like darker brown for the pain and the first vapors for....something else. i'm going to buy my first one this week hopefully...no more smoke for my lungs which should be good becuase my throat is swollen shut because of all the pollen where i am :/


Well-Known Member
ok 1 question, from a rookie, lol. if the bud doesnt burn and only vapors come out, what do you do with the bud once all the vapors are gone? can you still smoke the left over bud? dont make fun of me, i am a rookie, lol


Well-Known Member
ok 1 question, from a rookie, lol. if the bud doesnt burn and only vapors come out, what do you do with the bud once all the vapors are gone? can you still smoke the left over bud? dont make fun of me, i am a rookie, lol

that's the part i hate. you throw it away.:evil:


Well-Known Member
that's the part i hate. you throw it away.:evil:
Well i mean u could always cook with it, but if u dont like cooking with it u really chuck it?! lol
negative... why not smoke it? cuz you already smoked all the good shit? would it been like smokin leafs after that?


Well-Known Member
ya.. thats what i thought.. smoked all the good shit. lol.. well thats gay.. i agree. Just throwing it away... thats... thats pot abuse man.:spew:


Well-Known Member
wow, maybe i could give it to one of my friends as a gag, and i know if he smoked it, he would swear he was stoned, lmao, it would be a mental response, hes smoking, hence hes getting high, lmao.


Well-Known Member
it looks diferent when it comes out though... maybe you can say its some dirts... but dude on the video said he cooks with it and some smoke it at nighnt to go to sleep... If I had a vaporizer I wouldnt throww it out... I wouldnt be a ble to do it... I cant even throw out my ashes :)


Well-Known Member
could someone pleas explain to me what a vaporizer is,, and.what does it do?? im pretty sure that it suppost clean the smoke that u smoke..but how does it work (if indeed im right)..the onesx that i see in magaziens have digidal numbers on them and ....well u get the point ..any help would be great..thank u all ..smoke on.peace:blsmoke:
I think that is a great question - I sure didn't know that much about vaporizers and now (thanks to fellow rollituppers and the links to the YouTube material) I have a much better idea what they're all about!

Thanks for the question (and reponses).


Well-Known Member
I tried a vaporizer for awhile but I wasn't a fan just a mental block of not seeing the smoke I guess. Oh and don't try and smoke the brown stuff after you use the vaporizer. Great idea but tastes like the bottom of an old ashtray