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android can I do everything I need to do to access the road thru my smart fone...or will I need an actual computer.
android can I do everything I need to do to access the road thru my smart fone...or will I need an actual computer.
Omg dude I just read may as well been in a dummy when it comes to computer terminology. do I download this "tor" app and then access the web thru that?...and it makes me hidden?....can u break this down for me plz
fuck the silk road ur who I need to talk to then....Basically yes..your purchases are not tracked,all interactions are split amongst every user in what's called a 'cloud'..when data is entered,it is broke up into uninteligable fragments of info,sent through random people on the same 'cloud' and comes back to form what you see on your screen..all laymans computer days are over..I cook
Im not gonna fuck w it man.....its too much effort....I wanna trip on dmt but I dont wanna go thru all that to do it....ha....maybe itll fall in my lap one day...I didnt realize u had to go thru all that to place an order....but I see why......its fucked up I can walk ten mins in any direction and find all the heroin cocaine pills n meth ud ever want.....try to find some good weed or dmt n ur shit outta luck...gotta grow it urself or make it....whats the world coming to.Exactly..there are a few tor programs..keep your firewall safe and find what one works best for reccomend a prepaid card for loading bitcoins also...
no....I heard that's s trippin like u dont wanna trip....unpleasant and too intense....lsd...x...lsd and x combined....foxy (dont know what it was but tripped balls...white powder in capsule felt like lsd kinda)...shrooms and extremely concentrated shroom extracts...these are my tripping experiences....other than sleep and nutritionally deprived states from days of a cocaine or meth binge (my most real and twisted hallucinations ever by the way)That is the same conclusion I came to on the Silk road etc. mr. vega
You ever eat morning glory seeds?
See idk what "firewalls" and all that are....i appreciate u trying to help and thats def not somthing I woulda done while tripping....I havent admitted defeat ive only weighed my desire against the time n effort it would take to obtain these substances and I guess ur "want to" isnt that strong at the moment...I mean I want to...but I dont wanna go thru all that to get there....ill find a computer guy somewhere I can throw a sack to figure it out for meSorry you don't have that 'want to'...but I did everthing I could to help
I urge you to read the matter of an hour you have admitted defeat..the whole time I tried to help I was on if I can explain it tripping,I feel you can grasp it sober...but to each their own.....hope some gnarly deems fall into your lap!!!