Well-Known Member
This is a good idea to lol.If you really want to be a dick get his girlfriend pregnant then convince her its not yours and leave him stuck raising it,Thats pretty fucked up for you to thoughget his sister pregnant.
This is a good idea to lol.If you really want to be a dick get his girlfriend pregnant then convince her its not yours and leave him stuck raising it,Thats pretty fucked up for you to thoughget his sister pregnant.
3200 bucks for car mods? turbo?
That's why I don't understand why he'd do it. Is 3g's really worth putting yourself at risk like that? He just recently got a job cause he's on probation and thinks it will look better than his "business" that he was using to imbezzel money. He does have alot of payments now, because he's not smart with his money. 2 houses, car payment, and all the other stuff he blows his money on. I honestly wish I could tell you why he did it, but i'm just as puzzled as you are.am i the only one who thinks this smells like a steaming pile of bullshit ???
you say the guy shifts 10lb a week which is anythin from 30.000 a week upwards
then youre saying you know where this guy works ? why the fuck would he work especially if hes part of a cartel ?
so why pinch your 3g thats less than a days money if he,s shiftin 40lb a month
sounds to me like you forgot to flush your plants before harvest an the chemicals is playin with your head
or you could just be full of shit !!!
you've probably never been robbed. it would be hard to let something like go. but youre right...karma is a bitch..when its bad karma..It could be worse... I suggest just let it go.. karma's a bitch
I have been robbed.. at gun point I was set up by a friend that owed me money. He's long gone now. My situation is another story but trust me it could be worse. I could be dead or in jail. I'm not about those two options..you've probably never been robbed. it would be hard to let something like go. but youre right...karma is a bitch..when its bad karma..
When dealing with someone like this you have two choices.I would, but i'm not really trying to get shot and killed over what happend. I know he has alot of guns and he has shot someone before :/