i left the wife in charge, please help.

Bear's Blunts

Well-Known Member
ya i learn something every day and been doing this off and on for 20 years now.but with every grow it always gets better and always learn something. Peace


Well-Known Member
ive had hermie probs every other grow.
plus the cycle was 9am/9pm. and now its 11/am/11pm.
i so hope they will be all girls,and not he bitches.


Well-Known Member
My wife does shit like that to me all the time. I could give her written directions and daily calls and she'd still find a way to fuck things up. It's amazing. At first I thought she was stupid. Then I decided she was evil. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe it's both. Could be neither. Maybe she's just Human. It really doesn't matter. I blame myself. In any event, I have learned that if I absolutely can't tolerate fuck-ups, either my wife's or my own, (I'm human too) I take precautions. Simple things like buying timers and setting them make my life a lot more pleasant.