i live in georgia, irst time grower, anybody wanna walk me through it.


Active Member
yeah im trying to grow some amazing weed for my first time could someone tell me what i should get for soil and nutrients and anything that will help make this a success story:spew::joint::spew:


Active Member
just do what every else had to do read on it start with our forum not being rude its just alot to cover. happy growing


Active Member
Go in with a pick axe, work a small area when ground is dry. Do "patch" style. You have a chance of beating the choppers with a small patch of 8-10 fems. No trails, no hauling in a bunch of stuff. Plant seedling when they have 4th set of true leaves. Plant about 40 to get 8 good females. Leave and dont go back until June 20th. Sex and select final 10. Leave and dont come back until just before first big storm after October 10th.

Good luck, you will need it.


Active Member
what should i do to make them grow and have amazing buds
how should i treat them
and how di know the difference between male and female


Active Member
could you be a litttle more specific not trying to sound rude but i reall dont know that much about marijuana plants


Well-Known Member
Try going to YouTube and watching some grow video's. Type in things like "How to Grow Weed" and stuff like that. Also look around the GrowFAQ and the section "Newbie Central", it should help. Once you think you know you have a little understanding of what goes on, then come back to ask questions


Active Member
hell yeah what state do you live in al. ?
well im germinating my seeds right now and tomorrow ima plant them i hav a huge rectangle buckett with 6 single small potting cups i think im gunna plant them about a half inch under
but is there anything you could help me with to grow some bomb ass weed