i lost my bowl....


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you missing bowl is a sign saying DONT FUCKING SMOKE UP BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. I like weed as much as the next guy, but seriously dude either learn some responsibility!

EDIT: sorry to come off like an ass but this is the kind of behavior that will keep pot ilegal... Lets say someone had cut you off and you hit them, thankfully no-one was hurt but you all go and get checked out. Even though you werent incapacitated they find thc in your blood work. Now theres charges filed, it makes the news and your fender bender that you didnt even cause is the top story on drug enforcement. Realy man shit like that happens. (yeah yeah counter arguement: traces stay in your system for a long time... but lets say you would have had an extra half second of reaction time if you hadent just toked)
according to you then no smokers are ever safe driving a car if they have smoked in the last 3 weeks. right? their is a legal amount of alcohol permitted in your blood when you drive and alcohol reduces reaction time and that sorta stuff far worse than cannabis ever will.

where was it slik? im dying to knowbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hahah was it sitting in plain sight? Or actually hidden? :weed:
it was under some blanets on top of my kids dresser. i must have set it there when i went in to get her clothes for the day.

Perhaps you missing bowl is a sign saying DONT FUCKING SMOKE UP BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. I like weed as much as the next guy, but seriously dude either learn some responsibility!

EDIT: sorry to come off like an ass but this is the kind of behavior that will keep pot ilegal... Lets say someone had cut you off and you hit them, thankfully no-one was hurt but you all go and get checked out. Even though you werent incapacitated they find thc in your blood work. Now theres charges filed, it makes the news and your fender bender that you didnt even cause is the top story on drug enforcement. Realy man shit like that happens. (yeah yeah counter arguement: traces stay in your system for a long time... but lets say you would have had an extra half second of reaction time if you hadent just toked)
according to you then no smokers are ever safe driving a car if they have smoked in the last 3 weeks. right? their is a legal amount of alcohol permitted in your blood when you drive and alcohol reduces reaction time and that sorta stuff far worse than cannabis ever will.
well said DD420


Well-Known Member
according to you then no smokers are ever safe driving a car if they have smoked in the last 3 weeks. right? their is a legal amount of alcohol permitted in your blood when you drive and alcohol reduces reaction time and that sorta stuff far worse than cannabis ever will.

where was it slik? im dying to knowbongsmilie
Very good counter argument! I agree entirely about to point made about alcohol. Its just my personal belief that that indulging yourself should never potentially endanger someone else, especially a child. Like I said I wasnt trying to be an ass, I just believe in responsible use of anything. With that said I am a hypocrite for driving home after having only 1 beer w/ my dinner. I guess the bad connotation of the word "high" made me think I had a valid point.

One side note on piss test though. My boss knows I occasionally smoke when I cant eat or sleep for like 3 days and the test can differentiate a trace amount from being "high" at the time. as long as im not impared at work he looks the other way.