I lost my cheese!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello, can anyone help me out, I managed to get a cheese clone a while ago, my friend at the time told me it was the real deal and that you could only get it in cutting form.....
It really was nice!!!!
It used to have double serrated cuts in the end of the leaves And that's how he told me it was real cheese, it used to produce huge yields and towards the end of the flowering period, the leaves used to go a rich purple colour in places, with huge cheesey smelly nuggets, took 10 weeks to finish...

I have lost my plant. Can anyone tell me what type of cheese it was? Is it possible to get it back or was it really only available in cuttings? Any help with the information would be great.
If it really was exodus cheese, the clone only, then i feel for you. a couple of breeders (dr greenthumb, GHS to name a couple) claim to sell it in seed form but from all i've read and seen it's all a load of money grabbing bullshit, their plants look nothing like the real exodus cheese.

As to dounble serations though, that is not evidence that it is exodus cheese, just an indicator. Many strains feature double serations
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was, I'm no fickle smoker either but it was insane, does exodus cheese have purple tendencies towards the end of flower? Or brought out by cold spots all down the stems go really purple.... Best description I could give, I hope it isn't as I would like it back........

Anyone got any suggestions to what it could be?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was, I'm no fickle smoker either but it was insane, does exodus cheese have purple tendencies towards the end of flower? Or brought out by cold spots all down the stems go really purple.... Best description I could give, I hope it isn't as I would like it back........

Anyone got any suggestions to what it could be?

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

As to suggestions on what it could be. That is a pretty much impossible question for anyone to answer. You will almost never be able to show pictures of a plant, let alone just give a description, and have anyone accurately identify it. any answer is a complete and utter guess at best.

Just remember, however good a strain may be, there will be 100 other strains just as good, it is not the end of the world.
Exodus cheese is a clone only strain. There are no real Exodus Cheese seeds to be had... anywhere, because it's a clone only. Exodus Cheese was the first refined 'cheese' strain, but most don't know it comes from a Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 plant, back in 1988-1989. The plant is originally from Chiltern Hills, UK and was given to the Exodus Collective around '95.

There is a breeder, Big Buddha, who got a cut of this clone only and crossed it with a pure Afghani... the resulting seeds are considered the ONLY real UK Cheese seeds available on the market... everything else may have a cool story to go with it.. but it's all bullshit.

Many breeders/seedbanks offer some sort of Exodus cheese strain/cross, but Big Buddha is the only one who has the real-deal. If your plant had purple tendencies, then I would venture to say that it came from Big Buddha.. his have purple in them as well... original cheese did not.
Can anyone tell me what type of cheese it was?


Start hanging out at festivals and music shows/concerts
look for a very old Chinese Rastafarian man, dreads 5ft long , he has the most elite cuts in the universe
i have grown not much else but exo for about 4yrs now, some pyschosis now and then with a livers or 3 chucked in over the yrs, but exo mostly.

big buddhas cheese is dog shit compared to the real deal and yes real exo will throw out some purple colors in certain conditions.
I've smoked plenty of big buddah and like hell is it the real deal. Load of rubbish in comparison to the clone.

And the clone most certainly has purple tendancies here and there depending on conditions. You started off with some good info and then finished up with a load of crap unfortunately. As the UK boys can probably testify, i don't have the widest experience of strains, but i sure as hell know a thing or two about growing exo, almost 3 years of growing nothing but the damn thing. Not too many folk have managed to self it without the use of CS etc.
disagree,i got a killa pheno of his blue cheese,better than any clone only cheeses.also ugorg killer skunk has better phenos than any cheese clone only.exodus and phycosis are good,but overatted.not the strongest strains,smell good tho.
disagree,i got a killa pheno of his blue cheese,better than any clone only cheeses.also ugorg killer skunk has better phenos than any cheese clone only.exodus and phycosis are good,but overatted.not the strongest strains,smell good tho.

There may be some exceotional pheonos out there, can't deny that, with cannabis annything can happen, but i have never personally smoked anything (buddah cheese that is) that came close to the exo. Mostly the point was that no matter how high it get's you, it is stuill nothing like exo in the type of high, flavour, smell, looks, yet Guy up there was trying to argue that buddha cheese is the real deal when it is clearly not.

I personally found that exo (never smoked psycho) to be absurdly strong (took some to a LAN party once and played the whole "i got it from my dealer" routine, and was unanimously told that it was spiked with something. I never found it that strong, but definately one of the strongest i've had, but the issue with exo was that after a week of smoking it i ended up just being able to chain smoke it, you get a high tolerance for it VERY quickly imo.
Fingers crossed he'll stick to his own forum (sounds like grass city if he claims he bans people all day long for disagreeing with him). good riddance
Just to make sure noone else comese here and reads his shit and takes it as truth

This info is all a load of rubbish. You can work this out for yourself by the following post of his, which would seem to totally contradict his previous assertion that big buddha cheese is the "real deal"

Exodus cheese is a clone only strain. There are no real Exodus Cheese seeds to be had... anywhere, because it's a clone only. Exodus Cheese was the first refined 'cheese' strain, but most don't know it comes from a Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 plant, back in 1988-1989. The plant is originally from Chiltern Hills, UK and was given to the Exodus Collective around '95.

There is a breeder, Big Buddha, who got a cut of this clone only and crossed it with a pure Afghani... the resulting seeds are considered the ONLY real UK Cheese seeds available on the market... everything else may have a cool story to go with it.. but it's all bullshit.

Many breeders/seedbanks offer some sort of Exodus cheese strain/cross, but Big Buddha is the only one who has the real-deal. If your plant had purple tendencies, then I would venture to say that it came from Big Buddha.. his have purple in them as well... original cheese did not.
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that was the whole point, he was trying to talk like he knew about something which he quite obviously didnt, and certainly didnt like being called out over it.

dunno if you caught his last post ttt but it was a proper rant about how he could teach us all a thing or two if we wasnt so imature lmao and my username is so childish, the twat had conveniently forgot all about his claims about big buddha cheese and the exo never showing no colors.
that was the whole point, he was trying to talk like he knew about something which he quite obviously didnt, and certainly didnt like being called out over it.

dunno if you caught his last post ttt but it was a proper rant about how he could teach us all a thing or two if we wasnt so imature lmao and my username is so childish, the twat had conveniently forgot all about his claims about big buddha cheese and the exo never showing no colors.

Watch these posts get deleted lol

Didn't see that, but wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Guy clearly has problems, maybe even some mental issue like MPD etc. One moment there are cheese seeds, the next moment there aren't, one moment a big buddah cross is the real deal, the next moment any other breeder who did a cross is just a scam, one moment he is a moderator on a board where he bans people all day long for being disrespectful, the next he is being disrespectful to users. Hopefully this thread has highlighted the kind of person he is and he doesn't return out of shame.