I would say the addiction potential lies more in psychological undertones, I have done coke once or twice, I would love to be on it all day long(but sadly I realize I need to balance the risks). I have even been in the situation that I could get any common illegal drug, and had a pandora's box I called(along with certain acquaintances) my Armageddon box(but it was really a leather bag), and didn't really use them all that often. Sure I over indulged a tad from time to time simply because I had the access, but I always had the attitude that allowed me to keep it personal rather than social.
I drink 3-5 drinks 3 times a week, because research indicates it can prolong your life and stimulate writing. I smoke tobacco about 7-10 times a month but not cigarettes, because it tends to be a very productive stimulant with limited effects and duration. I smoke cannabis a fair amount, because research indicates it stimulates neurogenesis, it has anti-cancer components and the obvious recreational value. I use LSD and other 5-ht 2a ligands because studies indicate immense psychological and mental benefits. I use benzos, opoids, ampetamines, dissociatives, and all other drugs because I believe they can benefit my life.
It is people who use drugs for kicks, who use them as a means of social affirmation or belief justification, that will tend to over emphasis use of a particular drug and will be inclined to both exile the natural brain states and desire an altered one. Now this desire to change perceptive systems can be distilled to a past psychological event, in order to forget.
I use them to create.