i love my iphone 3g


Active Member
haha yo i have both a blackberry pearl and im getting an iphone in the next like day
and tom: the data plan is what they sell you if u use the internet on ur phone cuz its like a dollar per MB of data up in ontario
i dont even know if that made any sense??


Well-Known Member
i phones are gay...you do realize that it is more seseptable for a computer virus since it is essentially a miniaturized computer. the touch screen can easily get fucked up.

im sticking to a can and string phones


Well-Known Member
had an iPhone edge since day one still in perfect condition I have the 3g so now I have a backup. the touch screen is the hardest part to fuck up. The protective screen may crack but I have yet to see any of my friends actually mess the screen it's self up. And no virus you only get viruses by doing things the iPhone is not meant to do ie: unlocking your iPhone to get apps that random people make and are not apple approved so if you get a virus you deserved it.


Well-Known Member
Hello all!
I have one of the first iPhones that came out and I love, love, love it!!!!! I had a Sony Treo before that but didn't use it because I always used my Razr. I now would be lost without my iPhone. It is so easy to keep organized because I use a Mac puter also.


Well-Known Member
I also purchased a plastic type protective cover. It is made out of the same material that covers helicopter blades...... great stuff!!! No scratches.... no problems!