i love obama and everything he does


Well-Known Member
In business these are called projections, not facts buck..
remember when all the republicans were yelling and screaming and shouting when bush took a projected surplus and turned it into a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit?

yeah, neither do i.

they only started yelling after obama lowered the deficit by nearly a half a trillion dollars. weird, right?


Well-Known Member
it's true, i fucking love the guy. hell, my family and friends have even been invited by him to the white house and met him. my in laws have had cocktails with the obamas and talked about bo obama with michelle. yep, we're that tight, the obamas and me. i


Well-Known Member
so did you send back your tax breaks, or are you an unemployed mooch?
Hey asshole, I don't get any tax breaks. As a matter of fact withholdings on my checks went up after Jan. 1. And as far as employment, I help feed your dumb ass, along with the rest of the world. What do you do?


Well-Known Member
it's true, i assure you. no pic though. my ma in law helped run (as a volunteer) the biggest office in the most densely populated part of the state of colorado. my friend (well, my wife's friend, but i like her too now) works for planned parenthood in a pretty high up spot, and they were the most successful group during the campaign as far as return on investment goes. they both got invited to the whitehouse after the election, and my ma in law chatted for a minute or two with the first lady. she asked michelle if bo (the dog) was going to be there. michelle told my ma in law that bo would not be out, as he would jump on the tables and take food. obama even picks up after his own dog's poop, doesn't leave it to secret service or anything. they're so like us.
Sure he does. And Michelle does all the cooking, too.


Well-Known Member
now i'm convinced that you're an idiot. yes, they ride air force one. no, your taxpayer dollars don't pay for dresses. you're really sounding dumb now. so, like, i was hearing romney landlside...anyone else hear this? yeah, some guy named dick morris...? :dunce: you're out of your element, donny.
Actually, their clothes are paid for out of the White House budget. ergo, tax money.


Well-Known Member
Hey asshole, I don't get any tax breaks. As a matter of fact withholdings on my checks went up after Jan. 1. And as far as employment, I help feed your dumb ass, along with the rest of the world. What do you do?
your taxes went up after january 1st because the GOP negotiated the payroll tax cut out of your paycheck. say goodbye to 2% more of your earnings on every check, thanks to the GOP.

you had been saving 2% for 2 years thanks to obama.*

i sell treadmills.