I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

when ya think you know it all that's when ya get fucked by the ganja gods haha always the student always learning new tricks from other growers
I sold cars back in the day (don't hold that against me hehe) and my boss always liked to say "When you are green you grow and when you are ripe you rot". Meaning when you thought you had everything figured out and quit trying to learn how to do it better you were fucked. The same goes with any endeavor in life in my humble opinion.
im no relation to any Indians but as I grew up all the western movies here had the apaches as the bad motherfuckers....and then there was john wayne pow pow
that's what papal called me and his son my age when he was pissed at us he would say you little apaches strainen up or its bealt time on your rearends..ky...............
I sold cars back in the day (don't hold that against me hehe) and my boss always liked to say "When you are green you grow and when you are ripe you rot". Meaning when you thought you had everything figured out and quit trying to learn how to do it better you were fucked. The same goes with any endeavor in life in my humble opinion.
Agreed! I will never stop learning!

So i forgot everyone I found two gardens I can put one plant each full season so now time to pick which two out of the 100+ moms in the garden here. Might just do a couple of my seed starts I have going already. Might pull back one or two of the big plants I was about to flower like a stankdaddy ( og13 x gdp) or maybe a Aura Og or Rum bayou