I love you guys


Well-Known Member
HA. I love how there will be 100 threads on the same thing when its current news. Once it passes they just fade into the oblivion never to be brought back up.
He is Mittens illegitimate Son.. But don't tell anyone I told you..

He is half Chinese.
HA. I love how there will be 100 threads on the same thing when its current news. Once it passes they just fade into the oblivion never to be brought back up.

Yep a bunch of old(er) fuckers arguing about shit that will probably never change. Trends come and go but humanity always goes back to chest thumping pecking order. As long as two humans occupy the planet there will be something to fight about.

Yep a bunch of old(er) fuckers arguing about shit that will probably never change. Trends come and go but humanity always goes back to chest thumping pecking order. As long as two humans occupy the planet there will be something to fight about.


i have a hen named shitbird who is most likely retarded and at the bottom of the pecking order. she reminds me of you.
I shouldn't laugh at this because it was mean, but i did actually chuckle out loud.

my skills in paint are increasing lol

Presenting the first Yin Yang Troll

