I"m so far behind!!!


Active Member
So i found my two spots this weekend which i hope to gureilla both spots depending on amount of light each day. I'm doing two different strain in eachs pot. One of my spots there's moss growing on wood and shit but all 360 around not just the south side and im probaly 10 feet in one direction of it in a open area and smells like sewer. Any Problems you could think of? im also very close to a swampy looking spot. my other spot is on a friends farm theres two rows of spruce trees about 10 to 15 feet apart going south to north and im filling the gap from one end to the other. is this to close to the spruce? the soil is also very black!! Why am i so far behind? I have no seeds, no clones and nothing coming. On top of it i have very little money so im thinking of trying the single marijuana seed company and get two fem seeds and clone and LST. My options i sumed down to blue widow, blue hash, and blueberry from dinfem eeds. anybody try any of these outdoors? if so tell me how they did.:peace:


At your swampy spot I'd at least plant at the highest ground

That or dig up the ground and make a mount of dirt that's higher then all the other ground, and/or put in pots


Well-Known Member
if your only ordering 2 fem seeds you should go through attitude cause of the extra freebies they give ya!

fem seeds arent 100% tho (no matter what the breeder claims), so your kinda pushin it if your depending on just two of em???
tryin get some bagseed, ive grown some bagseed that was bomb!

and if your in a wet swampy sewage smellin area your prolly gonna have some issues with slugs-n-bugs!!! be raedy for it.


Well-Known Member
I'd PH test the soil because pine trees tend create an acidic environment from shed needles.
You will probably find the ground in-between the trees is dominated by tree roots. Lots and lots of roots.

Edit: Typical stoner, didnt read your whole post. As far as cloning that's fine...but LST outdoors? Why bother? Growing outdoors you shouldnt don't have light or space limitations, pretty much the only reason you would LST.

As far as ordering from Attitude: Great company, fast delivery, cool t-shirt! They do not have dinafem in their pick'n'mix single-seed section. And you will only get 1 free seed, max.

Other than that, what made you pick Dinafem? I really haven't heard anything about them (good or bad). Personally I'd rather go for with an established breeder like Barney's Farm (multiple cup winning breeder) or DNA Genetics. On Pick'n'Mix nearly all of the strains from DNA and Barney's are cheaper than Dinafem seeds, which I think are way too expensive given the relative lack of information on the breeder and its strains on the internet.

If you really want to be cheap you should do bagseed for your first grow. That's what I would be doing right now except instead I'm using the freebies from Attitude that I got with my order. I'd hate to make mistakes with seeds that I actually paid for - like just the other day when I waited one day too many to water mine. Positive side? Now I know what to look for when the plant wants water.


Active Member
My spot by the spruce trees isn't working out, so im going to have to find another one. and LST ( correct me if im wrong) is tying down the branchs so new colas will shoot out. im doing that so i can possibly create more yield. I picked dinafem because i liked their strain by the sounds of it and i could get one seed from a canadian bank. But i will definatly check out the other banks i did alittle bit and im thinking to go with some kind of kush because around here you say kush and theres a line up. I was thinking bagseed but im a strain finder. i like trying different types and its a big wow when you tell people around here.

Thanks alot for the feedback anymore is appreciated


Well-Known Member
The reason LST increases yeild indoors is because even the best lights we can get are a joke in comparison to the Sun. Without light movers and good reflectors they are a very small point source of light. The Sun is anything but small and the atmosphere naturally disperses light to shaded areas not in direct sunlight. It also does not need a light mover because the Earth's rotation takes care of that and also provides wider angles of lighting than a light mover. Those parts of the plant we expose to better lighting indoors are getting plenty of light outdoors.

Sometimes people LST outdoors to control height - do some searches in the outdoor section here and you will see some people really do grow "trees." As long as the plant is getting good nutrients, moisture, temperature you have nothing to worry about. If the strain is right and all your other variables are spot on you will not have to worry about more colas. Depending on the strain, you may have to worry about staking up your plant to support the buds.

Long story short - these plants evolved outdoors. They know what they're doing and have been doing it for far longer than we've been around. Also, since you like Kush type breeds (true kush is pure indica) you will not have a problem getting your plants to bush out.

The reason I said something about the breeder you picked is that if there are no reported grows for their seeds what do we really have to go on? Their word? Do you buy a used car without test driving it or at least running a Carfax on it (you shouldn't)? You're going in blind without that information and even if they call it Blow UR Brainz Out Kush it could actually be Makes Mexican Brick Look Good "Kush."


Active Member
Alot of good points! Well more colas moe bud. I'll have to do more research of super cropping. As far as seeds go I ended up with some bagseed purple kush. Thanks alot!