i made a drastic move...whas you guys input? (pics)


Well-Known Member
she looks better and better everyday...i think im goin to clone her in week or soo...but i got some questions abut cloning first...i was debating on using my rapid rooter cubes or making a dwc cloner...a small one just biggest enough for like 6 plants....wat would u suggest??...and can i put my cloones under the mh...or do i need to use cfls??ive read u could just around the edges of the ligt area..but i didnt know if that would be enough or wat....i have dfls im just too lazy to hang them an would like to save a little power...
on that thought how much power am i using up with a 400 watt mh cool tube with 2 210cfm duct booster fans and one other wall mounted fan to move air...i dont want you to tell me how much i mean is there goin to be a big enough power jump in my bill for it to look suspicious??
well enough of ther talking hers some pics:



Well-Known Member
ohh yea should i spray her down a week early every morning with ph controlled water to help reduce nitrogen??pr is that not needed


Active Member
alright man my pair of pennies on cloning... i use GH Rapid rooters, and shultz take root powder. I put them under a $25 flourescent ballast with two bulbs, one aquarium bulb and one ecolux or some shit, but its mainly a blue spectrum. then i put my rapid rooter cubes in those cheap little plastic 4 slot trays that plants can come in at the hardware store. i take a toothpick, and poke a little bit past where the rapid rooter hole goes, to give a snug dark spt for the bottom of the clone. then i put a bit of ph balanced water on each rapid rooter to make them all moist to the touch, but not dripping wet. then they i put a little garden pot tray under the cubes/trays. do this all on top of a heat blanket/water bed heat mat. set that to a nice 70-80 degrees if possible.
taking the clone:
with clean scissors/razorblade, take your branch you want to clone, cut it at the main stem trunk thing, cut the bottom at a 45 degree angle so it is pointed at the bottom, do what is necessary to make the clone force roots (cut a fan leaf or two in half to stop growth into them, maybe take off little branches that were developing to force more growth down), soak in some ph water and move it around to get rid of your air bubbles, take it out and air dry it briefly, dip in your root powder, tap on side to knock off excess powder, put in your soaked rapid rooters. now mist them, and mist your humidity dome (tuperware, clear plastic cups etc.) but not to the point where water is running and dripping. just a mist. then place them over your clones with one side tilted up if possible, to let some fresh air in but not too much. then leave light on 24 hours a day, put a little ph water on them here and there to keep the cubes moist, dont let them dry out. every now and again take off the humidity dome for and hour or so. once a day maybe. give them 7-10 days. may not be the fastest but its 99.5% positive results. Tested true method. hope it helps. good farming, peace


Active Member
that may be hard to understand i just read it over hah. i am cloning tomorrow, i will take pictures for you if you want.


Well-Known Member
What differences do you notice from dropping from 77 degrees to 72?

Anytime other than winter and my room gets to 75-85. I have had no problem.

Once a fan got kicked off by accident and the 1000w HPS shot the room up to 101 degrees. The plants were so drooped over that I thought it was the end. I gave them water and vented the room. Within an hour they perked back up and I couldn't tell it ever happened.

Cannabis is a vigorous plant. It should be able to thrive in 77 degrees right? I've never had a problem with mid to high 70's.
hey man, not a whole lot of difference btw 77 and 72 degrees.. its true, its a weed and should do fine in 77 temp.. BUT the yield and health of the plants is always bigger/better with a temp closer to 70 degrees than closer to 80 degrees (generally).. when its slightly hotter, the fluctuations in heat can be greater.. so could swing easily to 85 suddenly .. the cooler it is, the more stable the temp range with be (especially at the cell wall - only thing that really matters).. heat stress and swings in the temp range will stunt the plants growth.. but talking about differences btw 72 and 77 degrees is splitting hairs.. had a friend who let his room get upwards of 86 deg and we had same strain once and his plants were half the size of mine! :P


Well-Known Member
ok so ive decided to clone tomorrow morning when i get up...my baby is looking beautiful and im confident she can handle the cloning...im goin to take the advice uve giving me and some f the knowledge that ive gained from reading and i think i can do this....but i changed the water today and that was the worse thing ive ever done and ebb and flow is way easy when it comes to mantince i think....thos os efficant but im goin to eather have to get another bucket or another water pump to drain the water...because i only have one and when i veg my clones i will need thet fo the ebb and flow...but eather way i still need to figure out wat im goin to do about this flowering area i want to put it in to closet next to min but im not sure if were buying the house i live in or not so i will have to play it by ear...well heres som pics wat do u think???:



Well-Known Member
ok so i cloned my momma today...and well i hope everthing goes well...they some a little droopy but there always droop the first day...im not goin use cfls...well not unless i have too but i have my clones in the very bottom of my grow room and the light is about 4 feet away from them...and there being shaded by the mother plant...i toped here too i cut about 6 ins off here and used it for a clone well not the whole 6 ins just about 3 nodes....wat do u guys think?? heres some pics:



Active Member
hey man sorry i never got you those pics.. looks like you did it right though just dont keep them too wet and dont let them dry out. they like humidity and fresh air. give them time though dont give up. and dont take them out of the rooters to check them, just leave them in there till you see roots coming out of the bottom of the rooters. no matter how curious you are, dont take them out of the rooters! good work though they should come through. your momma looks good and healthy do you ever plan to flower her?


New Member
ive grownstrains in 110 just fine some strains do good in heat. hint hint.. the og kush from eyapt montains. most parts of the world raise above 100 in summer. it doesnt matter but c02 does and that looks like typical dwc problem 85 is to warm for the water temp so to change this it takes a water chiller or souther engeerinig
I saw that your temp is 85F. Its could ba sagging due to that much heat especially if you res water is that warm. You want in down in the 70's


Well-Known Member
yea this morning i saw that my top clone has wilted completely...like its dead looking lol...but ill leave it in there illl popst pic later...


Well-Known Member
I see that you left a lot of fan leaves on those clones, it will be harder for the clones to focus on roots like that,, but ive seen it done..... good luck on your clones and mother plant....:peace:....


Well-Known Member
well today is the first day of my clones lives.....and there...well droopy...i gave them a hair cut...and hopefully that will help them out a bit......but i dont have much to say soo heres some pics:
