i made a movie


Well-Known Member
i just finished my first movie. once i found all the right programs and figured out how to use them it s really easy. i even dubbed in my own music. i'm fdd. :blsmoke: YouTube - Attack

my batteries died while i was taking pics or the bear would have done a really funny dance. looks like i need to clean up my picture quality a little. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
nice .......................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Thats funny shit. i did something like tha for a project in middle school. That shit is so fucking fun to fuck with. How much was the camera u used to make that?. If you made that shit more fluent, itd proabably be a nominee for the grammies. Even if not, it could be really sweet looking.


Well-Known Member
Thats funny shit. i did something like tha for a project in middle school. That shit is so fucking fun to fuck with. How much was the camera u used to make that?. If you made that shit more fluent, itd proabably be a nominee for the grammies. Even if not, it could be really sweet looking.
i'm just using a $200 cannon. i moved each piece A LOT at once. this was basically a test. the next one i will spend more time on. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
a picture camera?

And yeah, obviously, those beasts were crankin around.

Cant wait for the remix.
yeah a picture camera. i just put it on a tripod. took a pic, move everything a little, took a pic, moved everything a little, took a pic, .......... IMG_8205.jpg


Well-Known Member
baddass, didnt no pic camerass had that funtion. Shit my camera probably does. We should have a show down!!!


Well-Known Member
i just finished my first movie. once i found all the right programs and figured out how to use them it s really easy. i even dubbed in my own music. i'm fdd. :blsmoke: YouTube - Attack

my batteries died while i was taking pics or the bear would have done a really funny dance. looks like i need to clean up my picture quality a little. :mrgreen::peace:
I can't wait to see the next one. :D


Well-Known Member
This kinda reminds me of those books where you flip through fast and watch the character do something. I swear every textbook ive ever had has one of those in it.


Well-Known Member
This kinda reminds me of those books where you flip through fast and watch the character do something. I swear every textbook ive ever had has one of those in it.
You mean to say that you went to school at every school I went to? I drew those! :lol:


Well-Known Member
WOW...we were invited to the WORLD PREMIER,....DIRECTOR'S CUT no less.
Good work fdd, when can we expect the sequel?


Well-Known Member
awesome! I made one like that once with bart simpson skateboarding around my coffee table. I didn't use a still camera tho. It was a chase cam. I used a quarter on the table to make the distance the same in each movement and a pencil to keep the chase cam the same distance from bart. At one point he goes around a glass of water and as he does it the glass goes empty a little added effect. It is alot of work tho. Can you imagine doing it at 30 frames per second like most film.


Well-Known Member
awesome! I made one like that once with bart simpson skateboarding around my coffee table. I didn't use a still camera tho. It was a chase cam. I used a quarter on the table to make the distance the same in each movement and a pencil to keep the chase cam the same distance from bart. At one point he goes around a glass of water and as he does it the glass goes empty a little added effect. It is alot of work tho. Can you imagine doing it at 30 frames per second like most film.
30 frames per second? wow,my whole movie was 30 frames. :neutral: