i made a movie


Well-Known Member
omfg i couldnt stop laughing ;)

Good one man, keep it up ..... the frames could be blur'd in 0.1 seconds so that it looks more realistic ( the transitions ) ;)

But hey man cool work ....


Well-Known Member
Well, looks like you've got some work to do. Stoney and I gave you material, now it's up to you to run with it.

You may have trouble finding the young Barbi in Stoney's shot, though, I hear she experienced Stockholm syndrome and ran off with one of her abductors. Hey, I guess it happens (am suddenly reminded of a Spanish movie with Antonio Banderas about a guy who kidnaps a woman, who shares my name, because he's in love with her, and eventually he does get her to fall for him). :lol:

I think your forces are gathering....


Well-Known Member
Hey fdd2blk... u use this programm....

u should realy check this out...... It's so much fun to make movies... like say :

I am skateboarding.... I do a grind and i put sparks at my Truck's so that it looks like im grinding metal and sparks are comming out.

U could have those little guy's shooting star wars style... That'll be so much fun to do... work on :)

Wish i had a playground ^^

FXhome.com :: Special effects, keying and compositing software --- Check this out !!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing... i love the programm...


Well-Known Member
30 frames per second? wow,my whole movie was 30 frames. :neutral:
I didn't do 30 fps, maybe 2. Obviously the more the better. I wonder what fps something like simpsons/futurama etc are drawn at? If it's 30fps that would be 36000 frames in a 20 min show. Alot of freaking work.

I'm going to have to make myself a youtube profile so I can put some vids up as well. Sketboarding bart is lost and gone forever but I have a short one of skeletor walking up to the bong and giving it a good shove, passing it along the table.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see it, I like that stuff. I have been waiting for fdd's next release, but I think some Hollywood cronies got a hold of him. I hear he wasn't using union actors. :lol:


Well-Known Member
too much time on your hands ... Maybe vollenteer at the hospital... or nursing home , cheer up the old folks with your charm and whit...


Well-Known Member
My only advice for your next attempt would be to get different angles of the same scene, providing you have more cameras. A lower perspective would add great drama!


Well-Known Member
i added it to my favorites on my youtube account, my favorite part is how the soliders chase the dinosaur away and the guy with the rocket launcher! bring us more!


Well-Known Member
Let me give you a few tips you used for you're stop motion animation.

You need more frames to make it smooth.
Download Animation Shop so you can put all of you're frames in there and make it at a good speed. When you did that then you want to upload it in Windows Media Player and save the movie like you were putting it on Youtube.