I may have CHS syndrome , what can I do now ?


New Member
Hello guys!
I'm sorry if I write a whole essay but I'm concerned with my problem.
I've been smoking weed for about 2 years now , altough there were some weeks or even one time a month where I didn't smoke.For quite some time now I've been throwing up on almost a daily basis. I've never had this before I smoked weed(it could be a coincidence but I'm suspicious).I even went to my doctor , and he sent me to take blood samples.He didn't see any reason for my symptoms.I will also soon be doing an x-ray of my GI system to see if maybe it's some other probelm.But the reason I'm posting this thread is , because I'm very confused with this current health situation. I'm experiencing throwing up in the morning and then I can't really eat a lot over the day because it makes me feel sick(no stomach pain, no nausea just a feeling like I will have to throw up).The most effective things that help against this feeling for me is smoking weed or drinking some hemp tea( it only contains CBD and <0.3% THC), the other things that help (but not that good) are drinking some normal warm tea and breathing techniques. The weird thing is that I don't have to take extremely hot showers to ease my symptoms , and that is one of the major reasons to diagnose CHS. I may wan't to take a break from smoking , but I use it medically(and also recreationally)for depressive episodes,migranes and the occasional nausea. My question is if I stop smoking (no THC)to see if that's the problem , am I also not allowed to consume CBD? Because I've tried only drinking hemp tea to ease the symptoms, and altough not as effective as smoking I still get some relief from it.If you made it to this part: thank you for reading through my long ass post , and also potentially answering xD.
there are people who are allergic to water. So anything is possible. It is also possible it is a problem with liver, pancreas, GI reflux or probably dozens of things. be honest with your doctor about your MJ usage. Keep a log of what you eat/drink/smoke and recurring symptoms. It can sometimes take years to get an actual diagnoses of something.
i was having similar issues. "sinus" headaches. nausea. vomiting. diarrhea. not daily but probably weekly. quit smoking for a while just to see and it didnt help a thing. made things worse prolly cause i didnt have smoke to ease the symptoms. we are now doing tests to figure out whats going on.

so far my tests are pretty good. luteinizing hormone is a bit high. got a cist on my pancreas, tiny one but its there, gonna go get another ultrasound to see whats up soon.

ever hear of CVS? cyclical vomiting syndrome.. no answers really. dark room helps. keep hydrated. gets lots of sleep.

only thing ive noticed that sort of interesting, is that when i was in ketosis for 6 months, it only happened twice. when i went back on a moderate carb diet trying to pack on a few pounds, its happened several times since thanksgiving. this could be a sign of pancrease. i have no idea. im back into ketosis now for 3 days for another 4 months so il report back if it goes away again.
there are people who are allergic to water. So anything is possible. It is also possible it is a problem with liver, pancreas, GI reflux or probably dozens of things. be honest with your doctor about your MJ usage. Keep a log of what you eat/drink/smoke and recurring symptoms. It can sometimes take years to get an actual diagnoses of something.
I know it could be anything , but it's really effecting my work life bc I can't concentrate if I'm constantly sick.
i was having similar issues. "sinus" headaches. nausea. vomiting. diarrhea. not daily but probably weekly. quit smoking for a while just to see and it didnt help a thing. made things worse prolly cause i didnt have smoke to ease the symptoms. we are now doing tests to figure out whats going on.

so far my tests are pretty good. luteinizing hormone is a bit high. got a cist on my pancreas, tiny one but its there, gonna go get another ultrasound to see whats up soon.

ever hear of CVS? cyclical vomiting syndrome.. no answers really. dark room helps. keep hydrated. gets lots of sleep.

only thing ive noticed that sort of interesting, is that when i was in ketosis for 6 months, it only happened twice. when i went back on a moderate carb diet trying to pack on a few pounds, its happened several times since thanksgiving. this could be a sign of pancrease. i have no idea. im back into ketosis now for 3 days for another 4 months so il report back if it goes away again.
Yes I've heard of CVS only recently (it was on the same day that I got to know that CHS exists), but I don't think it'd be that. I'm showing most of the symptomps of the pre-phase from CHS(wich can last from monts to years), like vomiting in the morning etc.You are welcome to report back if you are out again. Thanks for replying , and I hope you'll also get better soon!