I must be stupid HELLP!


Active Member
wow, so i feel really dumb atm but i cannot for the life of me get this shit to work. all i need to know is how to post a link to my grow journal in my sig. everytime i try to do the <a href> thing it doesnt work. idk wtf im doing wrong or if im just dumb. plz be gentle lol. heres the link:


and i just want the link to say something like:

Check out my grow

or w/e. you get the picture. please help as im a stoner who is stumped.



Active Member
Click on my roll it up on the left side where it says "Your Control Panel" go down to the third option thats highlighted black that says "settings and options" then go to the second option that says "edit signature" and click it there should be a big box thats empty or has whatever your sig is now written in it. Delete whatever is in it if you dont want it anymore. Copy the link to your grow journal and than paste it in that box i would then hit the space bar a couple times or hit enter to go to the next line and then type in Check out my grow journal, or you could write hey check out my grow journal then hit space a coupe times or hit enter to go to the next line and then paste the link to your grow journal. Then scroll down and click save signature. This is all you need to do goodluck!


Active Member
You already have stuff for your signature so you have already done it once how do you not know how to do it? Or is it being difficult and not letting you or something?


Active Member
just copy and paste the link in the box you can only have up to 300 characters and 3 lines so if your trying to put it in your sig with the other stuff you already have in there it probly takes up more than 3 lines and will not allow you to put it in there. You will have to delete some stuff you have in there now to make sure its only 3 lines long


Active Member
well, what im trying to do is actually have the link say "Check out my grow". so when you click on "check out my grow" it will take you to th page. ive seen it done so i know you can. i just cant figure out how lol.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, you just have to look at other threads in this forum...

I found this answer in the bottom thread on the first page of the Support forum.

llop did a good job of helping you, he just didn't understand what you want to do. First copy your link to your clipboard, and then go to edit your signature.

You must use the advanced editor, click on Go Advanced. Then you type the words that you want to make a link of for your signature, like "check out my grow," and highlight them. Then click on the icon of an Earth with a chain link on it, called Insert Hyperlink. Paste your link in the box, and your highlighted words will be clickable.

