I need a good name for my .45


Well-Known Member
techincally,,,,,I'd call it Fuck You,,,,,long as you pull the trigger fast enough

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Fdd do you have something against guns? Or people who own guns? I'm not really sure..

I went with Jane. I put 100 rounds through her yesterday. She felt like a Jane.

And as I have already said im not out to kill and rob and flex on random people. I got it strictly for protection. The worlds going to hell in a handbasket.

And ya my avatar seems to attract eyeballs. :D


Good thing its a Ruger, because apparently the Colts aren't worth a shit. Just ask any Saints fan.


Well-Known Member
call it nancy.

who the fuck names an inanimate object? and a gun no less. it's rather disturbing, in a sad kinda way.


Well-Known Member
you've never named glass? i haven't, but that's just because I can't think of anything appropriate.

naming a gun is kind of messed up, i cant argue with that.


Well-Known Member
you've never named glass? i haven't, but that's just because I can't think of anything appropriate.

naming a gun is kind of messed up, i cant argue with that.
when i first heard of someone naming glass, which wasn't until just recently on this forum, i thought it was the stupidest thing i had ever heard of. the only thing i would ever name is a boat and that's because you need to identify yourself on the radio when calling the coast guard for help.

if guns don't kill people, why do they have names?


Well-Known Member
when i first heard of someone naming glass, which wasn't until just recently on this forum, i thought it was the stupidest thing i had ever heard of. the only thing i would ever name is a boat and that's because you need to identify yourself on the radio when calling the coast guard for help.

if guns don't kill people, why do they have names?
Some people like name's instead of numbers, Some don't like number's. I talk in slang and almost all my name's are some plus many more of the 7 word's you can't say on TV:-P :clap::bigjoint: WTF:weed: did I say lol.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Giving a name to something I carry with me almost everyday and that I rely upon to save my life if ever I think is far from crazy. Stupid maybe. But it's all opinion. I'm not sure if you own a pistol...I am going to assume not...but maybe if you did you'd understand. Naming glass I don't really find stupid either. People name tons of non-responsive objects like plants and hamsters and shit. Even more so I think inanimate objects like cars, guns, and pipes. It's mostly I think a way for people to form a connection with items they use on a daily basis or spent a lot of money on. If I named my cookie jar and my oven..then call me crazy. Also I put up pics of the real deal.

Also pictured my newish to me .357 S&W Model 10-6 in blued steel...and I named her Betsy.

Top to Top

Heinie Straight-8 Sights Stock

Size Comparison

Just Making A Scene

Betsy My New Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum

Up Close

Magazine Out

The Belly Of The Beast


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Cool guns man.

If I was going to carry a gun around for protection I would of went with a 9mm tho, but thats just my opinion. Also I dont own a hand gun as they are a little useless for me because my range got closed down, you cant hunt with em and in Canada you cant carry them around with you.

But I do own a 12gaug shotgun, mauser model 98 and a savage .22 all very fun and great guns.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ha thats a good one. I think I might go with that for my new .357. Love it lol.

I am not a fan of the 9mm. Little recoil is nice but I don't intend on having to put more then 1 bullet into someone if I have to. So recoil really isn't a factor.

I could have gotten a 9mm variation but it didn't come in the finish I wanted at the time and 9mm is really a just a tiny caliber and kinda gay.

I love me some 12g though. Those are a blast to shoot. And .22 is so cheap you can buy 500 rounds for like 20 bucks lol. You can shoot all day. I think I am going to try and get a .22 rifle here soon.


Well-Known Member
I am partial to S&W 357 myself. I have a bunch of them.

My favorite is my 2 1/2 Model 66. I Like the 66 line because the are stainless and have adjustable sights.

I don't know what you should call it :bigjoint:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya mine was given to me. I think mines a model 10-6. If so it was made in 1962 and was a prototype .357 variation that was produced for a short time before it went to .38 special.

You should post up some links or pics to your smithys.