I need a simple hydro set up

For cheap, and effective hydro, look no further that the Stink Bud System, with a few tweeks. See the thread sticky. I started with it about 10 years ago and it works well and easy.
You need a 20 gal Roughneck tub and a 12 gal tub, a hole saw and a 200-400 gph pump and a spray arrangement. Put the pump in the big tub and drill a hole to allow the pump up feed to pass thru the 12 gal tub, also acts as the drain. Put the 1/2" PVC spray bar in the 12 gal tub. Don't glue it together. put the spray nozzles in the spray bars so they spray horizontal and can be adjusted, by turning the spray bars so they do not hit the top edges of the tub.
Attach a scrog net 10-12" above the 12 gal lid and drill a set of holes for 2" net pots. DOn't glue tyhe PVC.
Pic shows my setup with 2 ea 6 week old White Widow Autos. DSCN0004.JPG
LST in process and I expect they will start flowering in a week or two???