I Need Advice About A Threesome?

Well, whatever his intentions are, it's clear that he shares them with his girlfriend, I could definitely see this leading to a threesome.
lmao, I seriously doubt it. I have YET to meet the girl who can handle knowing I used to date her man, and still be cool with me. I know a girl who hates my guts just because I used to FLIRT with her man before she knew him. lol, seriously, he's not allowed to talk to me, and ever since she got him to move to Sacremento with her, I don't get to see him. She says I could visit, but I wouldn't be allowed to spend the night at their home...so it's like, ok where the fuck am I going to stay? Pay for a hotel just cuz my friend doesn't have the balls to stand up to his bitch?

I had one girl trip on her boyfriend because I made him laugh too much. She started saying some shit like "You never laugh that much when you're joking around with ME"

I felt like telling her, bitch, maybe it's cuz you're not funny...

So that's your vote, Shook? Possible threesome opportunity?
With the information you've given me so far, his intentions could be threesome. Bring me more info and my harddrives shall spit out more results.
Seems pretty clear to me:roll:
lmao, I seriously doubt it. I have YET to meet the girl who can handle knowing I used to date her man, and still be cool with me. I know a girl who hates my guts just because I used to FLIRT with her man before she knew him. lol, seriously, he's not allowed to talk to me, and ever since she got him to move to Sacremento with her, I don't get to see him. She says I could visit, but I wouldn't be allowed to spend the night at their home...so it's like, ok where the fuck am I going to stay? Pay for a hotel just cuz my friend doesn't have the balls to stand up to his bitch?

I had one girl trip on her boyfriend because I made him laugh too much. She started saying some shit like "You never laugh that much when you're joking around with ME"

I felt like telling her, bitch, maybe it's cuz you're not funny...

So that's your vote, Shook? Possible threesome opportunity?
It's really hard to say with the information you have so far. Do you really think your ex knew it was your Myspace page? Maybe he didn't and wasn't sure if it was really your page. Do you have information on your Myspace page that identifies you?

I wouldn't suggest that his girlfriend is in on anything with your ex at this time. He may have just signed into Myspace though his girlfriend's account and that is why the message appeared to come from her.

I am kind of with Shook though. We need a little more information. Were there any other messages?

By the way, I like your first topic better... :twisted::twisted::hump::hump:
The only 3some experience I've had was kinda sucky. If only the guys had switched positions!
Its all about the vibes and what you feel from them.
Have you considered talking to them separately? like pull out all the issues with each of them at a different time? talk to them about the flirting because you know they know whats going on. its likely they've talked of it between themselves. i cant imagine they haven't with how much you say you've flirted. they both know how much they do it alone with you, so neither one can say anything because they're both guilty.

If they get angry at each other, start stripin' right than and there. your naked-ness will distract them, preventing a fight. Plus, angry sex is awsome. XD
Of course! You're a guy, you might actually have some insight here. Seriously, I need more guys answers, cuz guys know how guys think (don't they?). Why is this guy hitting me up out of the blue all of a sudden, through some other chick's myspace?

Its obvious to me he wants to fuck....straight up:hump:
I'm more worried that he hasn't quit his bad habits and will try to get me to fuck around again, and I'll say no in less than nice terms.

As for more information, this is the first message I got:

"did you ever work at the home depot?" to which i responded:

"Yes... did you? I went to your profile but I don't recognize you.... OH, but I recognize Richard" to which SHE answered

"yeah richard sent u da message. he was searching people and he figured he knew u. hes at work right now but when he gets home i'll let him know u wrote back"

And that's it.
lol, but you see, he lasted 3 hours BEFORE his bad habits came along. When his bad habits started, he got crystal dick. If I were a guy, that would be enough to get me off that shit

Now that I think about it...that might have seriously contributed to our breaking up. I mean, sex isn't EVERYTHING, but it's a pretty big SOMETHING.
What they call it when a guy doing crystal meth can't get it up without DOING crystal meth. I hear eventually even doing the drug doesn't help, they just can't get it up.
I hear crystal is some pretty bad shit. :cry: Tweakers? :confused: Doesn't the drug also make you look older? Why can't people just stick to the nice, mellow naturally grown stuff?

It looks like you made a good choice for your future - even if the sex was really good.

Wikid, I've got another question for you. Are you really interested in having a 3-some with your friends or do you just want to have one? My suggestion would be to enjoy the experience of one but don't mess up your friendships to have one. If they are true friends, they are hard to come by. :mrgreen:
Yeah, that stuff is pretty bad, people become totally different on it.

lol, and yeah, I didn't really want to have a threesome with my friends as much as I wanted to try out a threesome...
Well, I would say if he just wanted to fuck you and cheat on his girl or wants you back he would not have messaged you from her login- unless he's a moron. I think he wants to make her jealous. At least, that's the most logical reason according to how he did it. I guess you'll have to talk to him and find out.
mjtoker - damn, that's the kinda thing I'm talking about! I don't need some crazy bitch trying to start shit with me over a guy I've BEEN done with
