I need advice but without Judgement plz!


Ok lets start it off by im a ganja lover. Its awesome the only thing i dont like is having to fork out all my cash for some green every time i wanna get right. When sometimes what i pay for it isnt even worth the quality.....Any way i have tried growing before but they both failed. I noticed most ppl use the hydro setups but i would like to grow in soil. I Plan on growing in top of closet pretty good size space till they get about a foot i only wanna grow a couple..........But i need info of how to make the grow more effecient i can get them germinated and into a 16oz cup with wholes in the bottom where do i go from here?


Well-Known Member
Ok lets start it off by im a ganja lover. Its awesome the only thing i dont like is having to fork out all my cash for some green every time i wanna get right. When sometimes what i pay for it isnt even worth the quality.....Any way i have tried growing before but they both failed. I noticed most ppl use the hydro setups but i would like to grow in soil. I Plan on growing in top of closet pretty good size space till they get about a foot i only wanna grow a couple..........But i need info of how to make the grow more effecient i can get them germinated and into a 16oz cup with wholes in the bottom where do i go from here?[/QUOTE]
The growfaq...


Well-Known Member
i grow soil, 1 good grow, 1 bad grow so far
the trouble i've had in my 2nd grow was dealing with small pots
not saying you can't grow for a while in them, just that as a newb, small pots were tough to deal with
but if you have a closet, you should have plenty of spafe to work with


well see the without judgement part is because im growing them inside and i still live with my parents. I think they know i smoke and all but im not sure. I dont plan on keeping them in the house after they are a foot but i need to b able to tend to them easily and where i will move them will not b as easy so while there young im gonna try them in the top of the closet i just started germinating so any input is welcome. but remember i dont want my parents finding out so gotta keep it conceiled for right now so i cant work with a lot of material


Well-Known Member
what are you using for light? light containment? I would have to suggest you build a lightproof grow box, and some kind of odor control is a must search for threads on DIY carbon Scrubbers


right now i just have a 13 watt cfl but plan on picking up a 27 or higher. Im planing on just growing 2 or 3 out of the 6 that i germinate. I just started them so i have time to pick up a few supplies like a small bag of new soil and the bulb and some shiny paper i read about in another thread. Its like christmas wrap stuff but its 4 big sheets for a dollar where the limited light i end up getting will b reflected more efffeciently. DOes that sound ok?


Well-Known Member
right now i just have a 13 watt cfl but plan on picking up a 27 or higher. Im planing on just growing 2 or 3 out of the 6 that i germinate. I just started them so i have time to pick up a few supplies like a small bag of new soil and the bulb and some shiny paper i read about in another thread. Its like christmas wrap stuff but its 4 big sheets for a dollar where the limited light i end up getting will b reflected more efffeciently. DOes that sound ok?
pick up some of those 3$ Ysplit sockets you'll need at least 8 26watteres for the three by the end if you keep them small, but if your talking about mylar than yes thats the stuff to use is like a reflective plastic wrapping paper


Well-Known Member
yeah they do but there more money and less efficient im running 41w one one plant right now and its doing fine but the color spectrum is whats really important you want 6500k bulbs for veg and you said you were moving them outside before flowering right? so yous shouldn't need too many of the 2700k bulbs I would still throw in a couple because its good to mix spectrum's of light, you can pick them up over time 2-4 26w 6500k bulbs will be fine for three plants up till about one month depending on how fast you want them to grow


yea i mean cause i figure when there about a ft they will start smelling too strong to keep in my room without my parents smelling and i dont wanna deal with that


Well-Known Member
well if you keep it on 24/0 the smell will be minimal but it really depends on the genetics of the plant I mean I have one 24 day old plant that's approximately 4.5''x5.75'' and it stinks up my closet already im looking at odor control now.


Naw man i read almost all of it you look like you know what your doing for real thats why im takin your advice and askin you what you think.


Well-Known Member
You cant have critisism without judgment. So with that said, you are completly unprepared and under educuated on the matter to even attempt to grow.

1. Dont try to secretly grow pot in your parents house, i doubt you could pull it off without getting caught. If your still living in your parents house and trying to avoid notice i imagine your a teenager. You should be more concerned with going to school not getting stoned.

2. One cfl is not nearly enough for 1 plant let alone 3. People here use 1000's of watts of lighting, not that thats all needed but if your planning on one day upgrading to a single 27w bulb for 3 plants then your gonna be in for a big dissapointment. At a minimum (and i mean minimum) you will need 50w/sq. ft of grow area.

3. The fact that you think you can just stick a seed in a cup under a lightbulb and produce some chronic is almost insulting to everyone here who spend countless dollars and hours growing pot and putting the information up here for others to learn from.

So if youu dont want others to pass judgment, then maybe do a little reading before asking the most basic questions, as there is a very very high chance they have been answered on here 1000's of times previously.

That aside, nothing personal, i hope your grow fails as someone of your age, maturity, and in your living situation isnt nearly prepared to deal with the repecusions of manufacturing a schedule 1 drug.

Heres my advice, finish school, read this website till you cant read no more, absorb all information, and once you are mature enough, and in an appropriate situation where you could even consider growing anything worth your time and money, then give it a go.


well there thats why i started it to see exactly what lights i need and if you would read the post you would see i know one lights not enough thats just all i have right this moment, and im getting list of supplies now but thanks for passing your judgement which was unwanted and a waste of your time. I think you should smoke a fat one and instead of being so judgemental try to be more helpful or just dont bother to post insulting replies. I know what it takes to have a proper set up but im not trying to grow a large amounts of plants just a few to produce bud for myself. I know you need lots of light and mainly people use hps but i cant afford them so im trying to work with a low budget.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro; the most difficult part of starting growing is getting set up. My biggest expense so far is isolating myself from others, and alienating myself from my family. I wish money was the biggest problem for me. If you are using CFL's, then ventilation shouldn't be too difficult, keep in mind your small plants during vegetative state will get twice the size during flowering. The light schedule determines the the stage, not the spectrum. I would recommend a timer, and possibly some odor control like a 4" inline fan + a carbon scrubbing filter which should eliminate any odor.

If you really want about 3 plants, keep in mind they will double the size during flowering. You can LST (Low stress train) your stems/branches with string to give more light coverage to the budsites; but remember that you can prune your plants to stay a certain height. I would want to try bonsai growing one day. Good luck to you