I need advice but without Judgement plz!


Active Member
i recommend the problem i had for the first 2 grows i had is when u plant in soil, if u baby them and worry about every little brown leaf tip youll end up hurting them out of love. remember theyll grow by themselves. just find the soil forums and there are some good ones on this site and learn the major problems u could have (nute burn, overwatering, deficiency, and most of all when u grow indoors and live somewhere where the weather is decent all year, BUGS!!) thell ruin your babies and bugs will creep u out especially if u dont find them till u see one in a hand held microscope. hope this helps keep us posted, keep smokin and good luck!!


Thank you hwy420 yea im just trying to keep them in a small space in the top of my closet its about 3ftw by 3 or 4fth and i wanna keep them there where i can water them and make sure the light schedule stays the same untill they start to get smell to them. Then i plan to move them into my building but i just want them to be strong enough for the move first cause i want b as close to them as possible while they are first starting cause the building is in the back yard compared to 4 ft from my bed.


Thank you too bobonthewater202 all the advice thats positive is appreciated and im just gonna get the 8 dollar like bag of miracle grow soil to start with i think it should work well. I think the soil is what killed my last grow.


Well-Known Member
No offense kushluva. Im not here to talk shit and i do give a lot of helpful advice to people. You never specified that you were in the process of obtaining more material you only said you wanted to grow a couple plants and have 1 bulb. Basically the only thing you didnt disagree with me on was the fact that your a teenager trying to secretly grow pot in your parents house. Which was actully the only thing i had an issue with in the first place. But if you would like some helpful info....
cfls are nice how they can be positioned around the plant, so you should devise some way to do so. I wouldnt grow plants any bigger than 1 foot as anything bigger will be too much for those little lights, avoid using miracle grow if possible. Other than that our styles of growing are completly different so i dont know what else to tell ya. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Kush I honestly would not go with miracle grow potting soil man. Here's why: Main reason it has nutrients in it already although that may sound good its really not unless your plant is over 2 weeks old before that and it will cook your babies. two its often slow release nutrients which can make it very difficult down the line when you do decide to start feeding them. I will say this though if you did happen to buy some already you can use it just not right away. Saying that you should find some topsoil with perlite in it, buy some peat and some sand and with that you can make a pretty decent mix go 50% topsoil 30% peat and 20% sand and your good to go, if you dont have money for all that which if your like me you don't. i think miracle grow does have some seedling soil that will work. main idea is to get something that isn't to hot or rich with nutrients.


Well-Known Member
No offense kushluva. Im not here to talk shit and i do give a lot of helpful advice to people. You never specified that you were in the process of obtaining more material you only said you wanted to grow a couple plants and have 1 bulb. Basically the only thing you didnt disagree with me on was the fact that your a teenager trying to secretly grow pot in your parents house. Which was actully the only thing i had an issue with in the first place. But if you would like some helpful info....
cfls are nice how they can be positioned around the plant, so you should devise some way to do so. I wouldnt grow plants any bigger than 1 foot as anything bigger will be too much for those little lights, avoid using miracle grow if possible. Other than that our styles of growing are completly different so i dont know what else to tell ya. Good luck.
this isnt my thread and it isnt my fight but I feel like i need to say this, re-read the thread carefully. he isnt a teenager he is living at home because school meaning college is close by ok most people in college are at least 18 that means they are adults. ok ? some of us are not as fortunate as to have our own places but it dose not mean our love for this life should be suppressed. im not trying to pick a fight just asking that you be more understanding of other peoples situations. jumping to conclusions only makes you look foolish when the facts are out.


yea its ok i mean if i didnt respect my parents id grow it out in the wide open and not give a fuck. BUt i do and would like them to keep there respect for me too and not b dissapointed in my decisions and yea school and shit is expensive so there for the more money i spend on others ppl green is affecting me when i could just grow my own..............and 889 i thought the miracle grow would b good but apparently not lol is there any regular potting soil brand i could get at the local walmart?


and pbe i appreciate that cause i understand it could b disrespectful to some parents but yea i just started germinating the plants and plan on getting some materials this week


Well-Known Member
yea its ok i mean if i didnt respect my parents id grow it out in the wide open and not give a fuck. BUt i do and would like them to keep there respect for me too and not b dissapointed in my decisions and yea school and shit is expensive so there for the more money i spend on others ppl green is affecting me when i could just grow my own..............and 889 i thought the miracle grow would b good but apparently not lol is there any regular potting soil brand i could get at the local walmart?
just keep an eye on the the npk values. if you can get your hands on some fox farm ocean floor, get that.


Well-Known Member
well I stand corrected. Kushluva enjoy your grow, and good luck with college. Im gonna graciously bow out of this one now.


Well-Known Member
What type soil you guys and do you think 4 2700k 23w cfls will b enough if i also buy reflective material?
any soil with a low low npk percentages and if you mix spectrum like two 2700k and 2 6500k that would be better I know the 6500k are more money but there worth it. the 2700k's are more for the flowering cycle than veg.
I don't think this has been brought up but, is the outside environment where you live at now suitable for growing when you move them outside?


Well-Known Member
just picked up a bag of miracle grow organic potting mix 55% decomposted wood, sphagnum peat moss, pasteurized poultry litter,and an organic wetting agent whatever that is but the npk is .10-.05-.05 so its fairly mild, but it was only 5$ at kmart for one cubic foot


alright im gonna pick up a bag of that and how much you think the 6500k cfls go for? and not right now freak nasty but there going into a building wich is just like a big room with couch and tv and other junk its like wherre i chill when friends come over! but i do plan to put a plant or two in the woods and let grow as tall as they can


Well-Known Member
alright im gonna pick up a bag of that and how much you think the 6500k cfls go for? and not right now freak nasty but there going into a building which is just like a big room with couch and tv and other junk its like where i chill when friends come over! but i do plan to put a plant or two in the woods and let grow as tall as they can
the 26w 6500k cfls are about 7- 8$ where im at if you buy a multi pack you save money. but I would have to suggest your friends never see these plants, its risky to trust anyone with this type of sensitive information. its hard enough to keep your own mouth shut about how well there doing trust me. then try to keep there mouths shut too that's even harder.


o yea i mean friends dont come over much but its like the old hang out spot from high school where we would smoke at before everyone had rides


so about 12 or so for the lights and 5 for the mg organic then that shiny wrap from the dollar store i read about on here and i will b ready to start it up


Well-Known Member
its called mylar but its the holiday season so you might be able to find some plastic wrapping paper at the dollar store as long as its silver in color it will work.


yea thats what i read about whoever posted the thread said you could get 4 big peices for a 1 so buy a few dollars worth of that so about 35 dollars 20 for light 15 for some ganja to inspire me lol