I need advice from an experienced grower

Ok so my pant is entering it's flowering stage and it's all organic. But thats not the problem. The problem is that there is a peculiar lookin spider that has made a little web around the base of the plants foliage. It's a closet indoor grow and I'm wondering wether I should kill it or not? My smoking buddies say that it won't eat the plant but just rather eat other bugs that might be harmful to the plant is this true or should I just spray the fucker with plant safe pesticides that I have?
The only reason that I can't send you a pic is because I get wi fi using my iPod to get on this site and I have no idea how to get picture from it's memory to a forum posting lol I don't have a computer but I also know for a fact that it's not a spider mite because it's about the size of a dime (its much bigger than a spider mite) and it's redish brown in color. Aren't spider mites like a tan or white-ish color?


Well-Known Member
your good to go bro. spider mites come in may colors but are teeny tiney, very hard too see. so just let that mamma hang. don't get bit though. lol
Lol I'm not worried about getting bit lOl I'm just worried about it laying eggs in my bud lol this is my only female for this harvest all the others were males. I hate balls lol


Well-Known Member
spiders (as long as they aren't mites) are good! Without them the world would be overrun by problematic insects :)


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm not worried about getting bit lOl I'm just worried about it laying eggs in my bud lol this is my only female for this harvest all the others were males. I hate balls lol
reach in and grab that little spider out of there in case in lays eggs. dont be scared.


Well-Known Member
It's all good and good for your grow and good for your Karma. She just trying to live in a safe place and help you out. If we care about the little things than we will care about the big things.
It's all good and good for your grow and good for your Karma. She just trying to live in a safe place and help you out. If we care about the little things than we will care about the big things.
That might just be the most peacful statement I've heard today lol very insightful


Active Member
i had this encounter with a typical house spider.. i fucking killed that bitch. smacked it with both sides of my heel on one of my leaves.. leave lived spider died.. such a enjoyment of victory i had to go toke.


Well-Known Member
i had this encounter with a typical house spider.. i fucking killed that bitch. smacked it with both sides of my heel on one of my leaves.. leave lived spider died.. such a enjoyment of victory i had to go toke.
A regular Steven Seagal right here on RIU!


Well-Known Member
call me a dick for not reading the OP's question but i had to chime in on the spider issue. I welcome the muthafuckas to my room. Set up a web, chill, if there isn't bugs i'll go find it some. Spiders are one of your friends..... so long as it's not feasting on you. For anyone who's had a fungus gnat problem, or any other flying insetcts ....spiders are a big help.


Well-Known Member
cant see well enuff but that resembles a brown recluse, if it has a fiddle on its back kill it its poisonous and exacts a wound for some that will not heal , causes flesh to rot and makes a nasty hole sometimes in excess of a softball .