I need advice from anyone with experience Please!!!!

I've started my first grow. I have five plants right now, and I don't know which are males and which are females yet. I was thinking of letting them get to about 6 to 8 inches in height before i start to flower them. I also plan to use the LST technique. Here's my question: Since I don't have much space to work with at the moment, should I

a. Flower earlier to determine sex, and then put them back into vegetative state after I weed out the males.

b. Flower earlier, weed out the males, and then cut clones.

c. Do something else entirely

any advice would be awesome. also a little more info, i've been out of work recently which is why i started this grow, just enough for personal use so i won't have to pay for bud anymore. but, good news, i'm about to start my new job soon and i plan to build a much better grow space with more vertical room and better lighting. right now i'm stuck with three cfl's 65watts each.


Well-Known Member
Hi ya ComicBookGuy :)

Welcome to RiU :)

Let your plant mature for a while in 18/6 light cycle , Get them up to about 6-8 inches ( if you can wait ) and then switch them to 12 /12 and keep an eye on them , With luck all females ... if not ... remove the males and ether let the females grow on , Or put them back to 18/6 and let them revert back to veg and take cuttings .... Or ... keep the females on the 12 /12 ... and take cuttings when they are bigger ... And revert them back to veg cycle ...But you will have to wait a while till the cuttings revert back to the veg cycle .

Hope that makes sence :)


Weed Modifier
They should show pre-flowers @ 4-6 weeks old, if not than you can clone for sex, take about 2 weeks for clones to root then they will start to show sex with a 12/12 cycle. I also wanted to know sex and I took 2 clones and in the time they were rooting my plant showed its sex...lol. Its ok cause I wanted a clone anyways. but was funny that I'm looking @ clones for sex and low and behold i turn around and mom is showing hers!

And the Lst method is awesome if you are concerned with height. You still get the top cola! And you can do allot of funky shit with Mj, experiment and you will see...
thanks for the tip, lime73. i was also curious if anyone could recommend any good strains/seed bank sites. right now i'm just growing plants from a random assortment of seeds i've saved up over the last year. i want to grow something with a good flavor, but i'm also looking for something with a more cerebral high (i love laughing my ass off). so far the best stuff i smoked all summer was lemon sour diesel. it tasted great and gave me an enjoyable high. i've been hearing good things about kali mist, but i've never actually smoked it before.