I need advice on flower cycle.. .

I think I do over complicate things. I'm going to try all organic grows from now on & learn how to to make teas. I'
I was because I assumed you were since you were looking at Gaia. It sounds like it's available here now too in the US. If you're in the US there's probably cheaper options still.
Yea. If anything this post I made tonight made me realize I'm still kinda over complicating things. I'm going organic. Just cuz I have some bottled nutes doesnt mean I have to use them. I'm going to learn how to do it right. & organic. Still a little freaked from throwing out my last grow over grey mold. Although I can say after I got the Hepa air filters & germ guardian machines. & improved my air flow this current grow seems fine. We shall seeeeeeee.
I think I do over complicate things. I'm going to try all organic grows from now on & learn how to to make teas. I'
Yea. If anything this post I made tonight made me realize I'm still kinda over complicating things. I'm going organic. Just cuz I have some bottled nutes doesnt mean I have to use them. I'm going to learn how to do it right. & organic. Still a little freaked from throwing out my last grow over grey mold. Although I can say after I got the Hepa air filters & germ guardian machines. & improved my air flow this current grow seems fine. We shall seeeeeeee.
I did made teas the first couple times, but it was extra work. Top dressing is easier. My plants did love the teas though. Tastiest and smelliest batch yet.
So you add bennies then kill them off with antifungal?
Dont bother looking at ppm runoff in soil and get rid of that exhale bag. Just burn a bunch of money it'll produce more c02 then that bag will and it'll end up cheaper in the long run.
Those plants are starving with 0 nutes.
I appreciate this comment. I've been studying all night & I now get where the fuck you're coming from. I'm going to pull Regalia & Southern A.G. from my regiment for now. Even though they were not on the lists I can find of Fungicides WITH Inhibitory Effects. & they say if your colony is already formed it wont kill it all off. So I'm hoping that's the case since I started using Mammoth early on but didn't use Regalia or Southern A.G. till mid life cycle on this Red Man. Whatever, from here on I'm going to try w/o them. & have them here if ever needed. Have a good day man. Thanks for the constructive criticism. It actually really helps me.
I caught grey mold on my 1st growth. that's why I'm using anti fungles. and I improved my air flow since. I think I'm doing the right thing.. fuck if I know. Trying to learn as i go & study up. and I thought microbes were good for the soil. so if I'm killing them right after putting then in. By using anti fungles. How in the fuck do you add that shitt into your regiment?! I'd like to know how to improve my situation, if it's not right. I guess I'll get back to reading up.
Ist off, unless your envoirment is really fucked (high humidity/temps), it's hard for a pot plant to develop a fungus
Mold yes but fungus, not that much.
Air movement/humidity & temp are critical for growing herb & preventing disease.
Lot's of air movement, get an oscillating fan and blow them babies :)
Humidity levels are most important at the end of the grow when your buds are finishing up.
Some plants can handle high humidity and are mold resistant, but its easier to adjust the envoirment
Pot does fine at around 50/60% but after that some form of dehumidification would be advisable.
Air temp of course is important & if the room goes above 80, the plant will start to stress (this is when you use Silica) & is not good.
I go back again to air movement, it will cool the plant down.
So, in essence, fuck the chemicals & focus on creating a Happy Place for your plants
As far as feeding something extra for bloom, I add some Techniflora Awesome Blossoms, which has a high P/K ratio & I found that it works pretty well.
A little every 3rd watering & your good.
Good luck/wear a mask :)

Good fuckin reply! Thank you. I'm feeling this. *Just ordered some Neptunes Harvest fish & seaweed. & will look into Awesome Blossums for down the road.
Excellent choice.
Seaweed is a great source for the minerals that the plant needs to flourish but are hard to obtain in an indoor soil grow.
The Effects of Seaweed Fertilizer on the Growth of Plants (sfgate.com)
Use it generously, your plants will like you for it :)
Did you get a vaccine yet?
You better have
Don't make me mad :(
Maannn.. I had that sweet arm juice before my grandpappy even did. Haha. I'm good to go! & seriously stoked right now. Just found out my local just got a drop of Gaia Green products. I get off work in 30 so I'm heading to get some All Purpose 4-4-4 & the Power Bloom 2-8-4. Woot Woot. Going all organic starting NOW! STOKED!!!
Just so you're aware, that Awesome Blossom is chemicals. I thought you were trying to keep it organic.
Dont know why I thought it was organics in a bottle, at 1st glance. But yea, I have plenty of bottles. So have them if ever needed. But reeeally want to keep it organic. So going to start picking up some stuff tonight. The fish shittt will be here tomorrow. So I plan on watering it in & hopefully will give her a nice boost. Thx. Again for the advice. Looking forward to less headaches down the road. Less pHing & adjusting #'s.
After more studying though, I really dont feel Regalia is too bad to use in my Regiment. It's supposed to be natural & pulled from a plant.
The bottom one is Super Fly. Insect Frass. So I guess kinda like worm Castings, but from insects. & I Got some Gaia Green Glacier Rock Dust & Mineralized Phosphate as well, in the mail. Think this road will be much tastier smoke. Thanks again fellas.