I need advice or a set of balls! Either one here's why


Well-Known Member
Fem seeds are equal. There is no potency difference at all.

The reason a fem seed is fem, is because it literally is a seed that is created by two female plants... ie. the female plant pollinates itself, and you use that pollen on a second female and she will produce the seeds.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Awesome man!

I was in the same boat, filled with paranoia about ordering. I just hit the order button, both at herbies and sea of seeds the same night. About 10 days later 2 regular small packages were in my mail box. The first order is the hard one, I am actually shopping herbies pic and mix site now for a few more strains. Not worried a bit about ordering anymore.

You might want to look at some of threads about a product called tiresias mist or colloidal silver. You can actually get dozens and dozens of feminized seeds off your female plants, including autoflowers. A bottle of the spray is about $30.00, much cheaper than ordering beans. That's the route I'm taking once I find my favorite strain.

Anyway, great news. You're going to be so stoked when they arrive!

before you purchase the tiresias mist, do some more research. i have not tried it but i have heard it can take more than a 1 oz. bottle depending on how you use it and i have also heard of it making nanners but there was no pollen. i also was planning on ordering some but i will hold off for for more results.

many times you hear of the failures and not of the success.


Well-Known Member
My research of using Colloidal Silver has been positive, and the good thing is that I always have some as my girl and I use it as a dietary supplement. Important thing is to use 40ppm minimum. My understanding is that its a whole lot cheaper than tiresias.

However, before my testing can begin, I need to find a bigger place to live, as obviously I'll need a separate area for these tests as to not ruin my perpetual flowering :)



Well-Known Member
Home self pollenization to create feminized se-eds is certainly doable, and I've done it, but selfing plants comes with its own set of issues, as does seedmaking in general, and I'd say this is NOT something a first time indoor grower is going to want to take on.

First grow a few plants indoors, just to learn the ropes of doing so, and make sure your setup is dialled in correctly.

Then complete at least 1-2 normal se-ed runs the "old fashioned" way with male and female parents to get some sense of what's involved. Even one good run like that, by the way, will potentially leave you with enough beans for years.

After mastering normal se-ed production, then you can try the next step of making feminized ones at home.