I need alittle help over here!!


HEY, Wondering whats up with my plants? Any advice with greatly appreciated. MY main concern is the new shoots are yellowing a bit and are slow growing. LOOKS like the shoots are all distorted or ball up\ folding down. The pictures dont really show good color but yellow base to middle but outsides are green on leaf (just new growth). Plant is well into veg, at least a 2 months. I topped them about 3 weeks to a month ago. IM getting a lot lower growth coming up but the top that wasnt topped is growing really slow. They top should still be growing atleast a little, right? NOW HERE is where I might of messed up. IM using happy frog soil organic. Now after 2 months maybe little less I was think they needed some nutes. I gave her a good dose of big bloom and grow big. THIS is what they look like a couple days after that. PH is 7 and im working on getting it down a tiny bit. IM using a soil ph test meter. Herd that they suck..so i got soil test kit with the capsules. Hard to read somewhat but it may be a little high.. 7.2 at most if even. Could it be a soil lockout that im having and shouldnt have added nutes? OR maybe overwatering them. or temp to high. temps can get to 85f but mainly at 79f.



Well-Known Member
Keep this saved for anyone that might find it interesting. Not a guide just what works for me. Your plants look good and the other fellar is right. Your doing great don't take this as a bad thing! I'll be watching!

Ok so. I'm going to be honest because I and everyone here wants you to grow better plants. I will also ask questions which are essential to any grow.
Good job on the pics. Good job on using bag seeds for growing the first time that way you don't waste money. Allwys include good pics for the best help.

1. You plants are over watered and have been for a long time. Also looks like possible nutrient lockout.

A. What soil are you using?
B. How often do you water?
C. When you water how much nutrients are you using. General Hydroponics is a good brand if used correct.
D. How much water comes out of the bottom of the pot when you water if in dirt or pro mix.?
E. What is the pH of the water of your run off?

2. Your plant is suffering from lack of light.
A. What type of light do you have.
B. How many watts is the light or lights your using?
C. How far away from the plant are said lights?
D. Can you move your light up and down to get as close to the plant as possible?

3. They also look they have weak stems from the stretching.

A. Do you have a hole open on the bottom of your tent open with a light proof seal to allow cold air in.
B. Do you have a hole on the top of your tent open to let hot air out obviously light proof.
C. Are there any fans assisting your airflow of your tent.
D. Do you have any fans blowing in them to circulate stale air and strengthen them for the long haul.?
E. Do you turn your plant so all top 18-24 inches is getting optimal light for there position.
F. What type of reflectors or is it an open ended bulb?

4. Is your tent light tight?
It looks like it may have been confused about wanting to flower or not.

A. When you got the tent did you stand inside with it all zipped up and all light off inside with the light in outside to make sure none entered the tent?
B. Did you put duct tape or some kind of light blocker over any part that zips that you don't use?
C. When you check for leaks make sure you sit in the tent for at least 30 mins. This gives your eyes time to adjust to the darkness and can see any leaks easily. Also after 30 mins put your hand 6 inches roughly from your face. If you can see it that is bad. If you can't that's perfect. As long as there is no lights from other sources getting in.

5. How long did you veg your plant for. I. E. How old is she?

A. From seed it will take longer. But even a rough guessing is ok.
B. Your plant needs to be all the same height. You want your buds to all get light not just the top one or a side branch.
C. There are plenty of techniques for this just search the site or reply to me.

6. What are your temperatures?

A. Keeping them constant and within 10 degrees no matter if the light is on or not, they will not stretch as much and will save that energy until it buds. So technically it won't uptake nutrients until it needs them or it gets locked out from to many.

7. What is your humidity?

5. Try and keep it between 40 and 60 percent during veg. And 35 to 50 during flower. This all depends on air movement and strain you have to fine tune it.

8. At least your giving it a shot and your not giving up. Keep growing and asking questions on this site or any other good one you like. Everything here is my opinion. I'm not telling you to do any of it. Every grow is deferent. Every growers style varies. Just try and figure out something that works well for you and don't give up.

You got this.! Nameste!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Keep this saved for anyone that might find it interesting. Not a guide just what works for me. Your plants look good and the other fellar is right. Your doing great don't take this as a bad thing! I'll be watching!

Ok so. I'm going to be honest because I and everyone here wants you to grow better plants. I will also ask questions which are essential to any grow.
Good job on the pics. Good job on using bag seeds for growing the first time that way you don't waste money. Allwys include good pics for the best help.

1. You plants are over watered and have been for a long time. Also looks like possible nutrient lockout.

A. What soil are you using?
B. How often do you water?
C. When you water how much nutrients are you using. General Hydroponics is a good brand if used correct.
D. How much water comes out of the bottom of the pot when you water if in dirt or pro mix.?
E. What is the pH of the water of your run off?

2. Your plant is suffering from lack of light.
A. What type of light do you have.
B. How many watts is the light or lights your using?
C. How far away from the plant are said lights?
D. Can you move your light up and down to get as close to the plant as possible?

3. They also look they have weak stems from the stretching.

A. Do you have a hole open on the bottom of your tent open with a light proof seal to allow cold air in.
B. Do you have a hole on the top of your tent open to let hot air out obviously light proof.
C. Are there any fans assisting your airflow of your tent.
D. Do you have any fans blowing in them to circulate stale air and strengthen them for the long haul.?
E. Do you turn your plant so all top 18-24 inches is getting optimal light for there position.
F. What type of reflectors or is it an open ended bulb?

4. Is your tent light tight?
It looks like it may have been confused about wanting to flower or not.

A. When you got the tent did you stand inside with it all zipped up and all light off inside with the light in outside to make sure none entered the tent?
B. Did you put duct tape or some kind of light blocker over any part that zips that you don't use?
C. When you check for leaks make sure you sit in the tent for at least 30 mins. This gives your eyes time to adjust to the darkness and can see any leaks easily. Also after 30 mins put your hand 6 inches roughly from your face. If you can see it that is bad. If you can't that's perfect. As long as there is no lights from other sources getting in.

5. How long did you veg your plant for. I. E. How old is she?

A. From seed it will take longer. But even a rough guessing is ok.
B. Your plant needs to be all the same height. You want your buds to all get light not just the top one or a side branch.
C. There are plenty of techniques for this just search the site or reply to me.

6. What are your temperatures?

A. Keeping them constant and within 10 degrees no matter if the light is on or not, they will not stretch as much and will save that energy until it buds. So technically it won't uptake nutrients until it needs them or it gets locked out from to many.

7. What is your humidity?

5. Try and keep it between 40 and 60 percent during veg. And 35 to 50 during flower. This all depends on air movement and strain you have to fine tune it.

8. At least your giving it a shot and your not giving up. Keep growing and asking questions on this site or any other good one you like. Everything here is my opinion. I'm not telling you to do any of it. Every grow is deferent. Every growers style varies. Just try and figure out something that works well for you and don't give up.

You got this.! Nameste!

WHAT a LOAD of horse shit!


HEY, Wondering whats up with my plants? Any advice with greatly appreciated. MY main concern is the new shoots are yellowing a bit and are slow growing. LOOKS like the shoots are all distorted or ball up\ folding down. The pictures dont really show good color but yellow base to middle but outsides are green on leaf (just new growth). Plant is well into veg, at least a 2 months. I topped them about 3 weeks to a month ago. IM getting a lot lower growth coming up but the top that wasnt topped is growing really slow. They top should still be growing atleast a little, right? NOW HERE is where I might of messed up. IM using happy frog soil organic. Now after 2 months maybe little less I was think they needed some nutes. I gave her a good dose of big bloom and grow big. THIS is what they look like a couple days after that. PH is 7 and im working on getting it down a tiny bit. IM using a soil ph test meter. Herd that they suck..so i got soil test kit with the capsules. Hard to read somewhat but it may be a little high.. 7.2 at most if even. Could it be a soil lockout that im having and shouldnt have added nutes? OR maybe overwatering them. or temp to high. temps can get to 85f but mainly at 79f.

View attachment 3945765 View attachment 3945766 View attachment 3945767
The other guys are a little off!

I see beginning micro defs! FE and S .......(iron and sulfur)...plainly see it!

It is time to start feeding! Be sure you use a some kelp extract to get those micro's back up to. I would add a tsp of Epsom salts to a gallon of that feed to throw a bit more S at them too.

Be sure to use a nice fert......You want simple? Jacks classic "citrus" at 1/4 tsp a gallon - all the way through.
Yeah I gave them foxfarms grow big and big bloom. recommended dose. They seem to grow very slightly but looking same if not worse. New shoots are curling down. Its either I am overwatering or its locked up. I thought it might have been overwatering. SO I waited for a while to water\feed this time. The pot was very light for a few days. Heck I was planning to wait untill she wilts. Then start watering more slowly but idk if that would be good. Question about foxfarm big bloom and grow big? IM mixing them both in the same container with water in it first, Is this ok? Also, purple stem on fan leaves. Is that cause temps dropping to low at night or a nute thing? Let me know what you think I need to do. Flush them maybe because of a lockout or settle down on watering. OR BOTH. ILL try some epsom salt. Should I spay it on or just wait untill next watering because I just watered\fed. ILL get more pics too... asap


Well-Known Member
WHAT a LOAD of horse shit!

The other guys are a little off!

I see beginning micro defs! FE and S .......(iron and sulfur)...plainly see it!

It is time to start feeding! Be sure you use a some kelp extract to get those micro's back up to. I would add a tsp of Epsom salts to a gallon of that feed to throw a bit more S at them too.

Be sure to use a nice fert......You want simple? Jacks classic "citrus" at 1/4 tsp a gallon - all the way through.
Listen to dr who..

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yeah I gave them foxfarms grow big and big bloom. recommended dose. They seem to grow very slightly but looking same if not worse. New shoots are curling down. Its either I am overwatering or its locked up. I thought it might have been overwatering. SO I waited for a while to water\feed this time. The pot was very light for a few days. Heck I was planning to wait untill she wilts. Then start watering more slowly but idk if that would be good. Question about foxfarm big bloom and grow big? IM mixing them both in the same container with water in it first, Is this ok? Also, purple stem on fan leaves. Is that cause temps dropping to low at night or a nute thing? Let me know what you think I need to do. Flush them maybe because of a lockout or settle down on watering. OR BOTH. ILL try some epsom salt. Should I spay it on or just wait untill next watering because I just watered\fed. ILL get more pics too... asap
I know, some guys like FF lines. I don't, much better stuff out there.....choose better and things you can adjust what NPK ratio your feeding as you like/need.


Well-Known Member
Listen to dr who..
I agree but Dr. Who could be a little more Yoda like....instead of stating things are horseshit in bold letters and then following with the other guys were a little off.

If I'm wrong I want to know and learn what to do. In this case that happened. But felt like I had to wipe with sandpaper to get the job done.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it sure looks like Iron def. You almost answered your own question, could be the PH been over 7 which locks out iron and/or overwatering which can contribute too. High temps don't help but I don't think 85f is high enough to cause the problem though.

Understandable how some folks would say they are fine, new growth can come in light green and darken off as it grows but the key here is the way the yellowing is starting at the base of the leaf and working outwards, the tips been darker than the base.


Well-Known Member
I agree but Dr. Who could be a little more Yoda like....instead of stating things are horseshit in bold letters and then following with the other guys were a little off.

If I'm wrong I want to know and learn what to do. In this case that happened. But felt like I had to wipe with sandpaper to get the job done.
your right but im sure its his personality/way of speaking and not meant to be a dig towards anyone

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I agree but Dr. Who could be a little more Yoda like....instead of stating things are horseshit in bold letters and then following with the other guys were a little off.

If I'm wrong I want to know and learn what to do. In this case that happened. But felt like I had to wipe with sandpaper to get the job done.
Sorry, abrasive I can be.

Say I should, that list of questions .. pretty good it was, for parts mostly.

pH of run off means nothing it does.... Run off from watering, needed it's not.
Tales from old wives is herming from light leaks...
Plants daily in photosynthesis, uptake nutrients they always do!

Many things ask you do. Are not related to answer of problem....:twisted:

Look, sorry but, It's just how I can be sometimes. Generally, I don't like crowds, many people, and am rather intolerant sometimes.

I've had employee's call me "intolerant bastard" and still have two of them working for me over 20 years later (it's down to "IB" now).

If you get ticked at me - let me know..I don't really intend to offend (I know I do sometimes).... I'm always willing to help those that ask....


Well-Known Member
Sorry, abrasive I can be.

Say I should, that list of questions .. pretty good it was, for parts mostly.

pH of run off means nothing it does.... Run off from watering, needed it's not.
Tales from old wives is herming from light leaks...
Plants daily in photosynthesis, uptake nutrients they always do!

Many things ask you do. Are not related to answer of problem....:twisted:

Look, sorry but, It's just how I can be sometimes. Generally, I don't like crowds, many people, and am rather intolerant sometimes.

I've had employee's call me "intolerant bastard" and still have two of them working for me over 20 years later (it's down to "IB" now).

If you get ticked at me - let me know..I don't really intend to offend (I know I do sometimes).... I'm always willing to help those that ask....
Thank you Dr. I can get that way to but online it's hard so sometimes I become passive aggressive.

Laughed really hard at your Yoda reference. Thank you. I needed it.

I to am just looking to help. And love to learn as much as possible.

Will be following just in case I have problems. Or need to increase my yield!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I agree but Dr. Who could be a little more Yoda like....instead of stating things are horseshit in bold letters and then following with the other guys were a little off.

If I'm wrong I want to know and learn what to do. In this case that happened. But felt like I had to wipe with sandpaper to get the job done.
That always happens to you.