gunit the shit thanks for the help its looking great i wanna getr pics up but dont know how
Upoload them to your PC then go to the reply box you will see a little icon in between the globe and the video clip. Click that and upload files from PC and voila pics will be up!
I used to like some G Unit back then when they were hard then they started getting a lil too commercial for me. The old 50 was hard but then he got all about singing and club shit. I do like his new shit though he made a hell of a come back. That new Outlaw is gangsta as fuck. I dig that and lloyd banks is hard too. Fuck retard ass Tony Yayo looks like ronnie from jersey shore with that stupid ass you cant see me Jhon Cena bullshit!
i hope ur joking, the fact that so many ppl like jersey shore just goesw to show how stupid this nation of ppl is
lol yea i feel u n yea guess were all meat head douche bags ?? yea it is outdoors .. btw meathead douchebag pauly d is G-UNIT now .. go head talk all dat shit over here n see what happens
lol yea i feel u n yea guess were all meat head douche bags ?? yea it is outdoors .. btw meathead douchebag pauly d is G-UNIT now .. go head talk all dat shit over here n see what happens
if g-unit means a bitch in real life and a tough behind lyrics and a t.v camera or music video
Dont you remember when the game showed up at 50's house and told him he was a bitch and 50 just went and ya
mendo purp from staten island 4800 a p ...... cheap shit lol we all know cheap shit be cheap lol but yea call me when u west coast can fuck wit out east coast sourrrrrrr .. aint none of the west coastfucking wit dat sour from nyc babyyyy dat shit crack
mendo purp from staten island 4800 a p ...... cheap shit lol we all know cheap shit be cheap lol but yea call me when u west coast can fuck wit out east coast sourrrrrrr .. aint none of the west coastfucking wit dat sour from nyc babyyyy dat shit crack
Was reading this post from the beginning then started seeing shit about shitty rappers.. this thread now sucks.
thats gotta be the gayest thing ive seen on RIU ever!!!!
dman thats cheap to u, u guys are gettin fucked on the prices, and i live in the east coast and kno for a fact that cali has better bud simply bc its legal they have more ppl with more ops and more room to experiment w/ genetics and diff strains, it alot better than sum1 who just orders seeds and grows it in there basement