I need experienced member(s) advice


Well-Known Member
I know lol, change your heading. Lets not listen to the few that have concerns, and to the one guy that says, fuck everyone bro just do it, its ok lol.

No kidding. Please just tell me what I want to hear. Not the actual facts.
These people saying dont worry about the power, I dont. They also probaly do not live in the same town as the OP. EVERY power district/company is different. All it takes in one grumpy meter reader to get a wiff. Next thing the police are at your door for a meet and great. Soon as you open the doot for them, foot in, we smell something too. Busted. Not saying this will happen. Alot of folks get away with running 4-5 thousand watts. Just because they do does not mean you wont get popped.


dude if your are in maryland uh the feds, DC are right next door so they play games all the time. i am out west and run 2 1000 watt in flower with about 15 and 400 watt in veg. my bill is high enuf as it is. if you want 4000-5000 watt i hope you have the $$ for it.
good luck!

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
experienced growers dont ask for lighting addvice due to most real growers will research shit and find the anwser they seekyour post belongs in the noob section


Well-Known Member
don't get me wrong, I wasn't meaning to rain on your parade. I was just informing you on info you may or may not have had. I have known 2 people to get pinched.
1. was from a meter reader performing an audit inspection that started poking around due to the smell. Next thing ya know, dude comes home to a lawn full of 5.0 and dogs going crazy!! His grow was on a similar scale as your talking about, and he's been in for over 2 years now!! yesh.
2. was from a rural postal worker that was dropping off packages on a consistent basis, same deal for him but his grow was much much smaller. He was growing for pain relief so he didn't get much more than probation and a hefty fine. But he doesn't grow any more for obvious reasons. His problem was that he has a security clearance for work and that is now gone for ever!! along with his high paying job.
if you were going for something smaller, you wouldn't have much concern from members here, but it's a pretty large scale thing your going for compared to most of what you'll see here it seems, so we voice our concerns for you. It's not for our benefit.. just remember that! some of us speak from experience, some are just plain paranoid, either way there is a reason for our concerns and it seems obvious. We want you to be aware of the possibilities and dangers involved. We don't want you to get pinched!! But I will say that if it's what you really want to do man than go for it!! In the grand scheme of things you'll probably be ok.


Well-Known Member
to get the whole electricity spike thing in check ill share a story.

my one boy decided to grow, he had 3 1000watt HPS lamps growing 40 plants. not to mention all the other shit he had running. this guy thought that if he payed his bill on time he'd be all good. well when his electricity bill spiked, the cops were informed pretty shortly after. They went into his backyard (where he had more plants) and they took those 10, then they waited for the crop inside which they knew was there to grow in size. when they knew the plants would be big they came to his houe with a warrant in hand and took all 40 plants almost fully grown. weighted it all and he got in alot of shit.
EDIT: my boy thought the plants were just stolen, not confiscated.

the moral of the story is be smart. oh and cops will fuck you over, just cause they dont come to bust you the first month your electricity spikes, theyll come near the end to catch you with the most dank, the more dank you got the heftier the charge. and where im from they weight the whole plant, leaf, stock, everything.


Well-Known Member
to get the whole electricity spike thing in check ill share a story.

my one boy decided to grow, he had 3 1000watt HPS lamps growing 40 plants. not to mention all the other shit he had running. this guy thought that if he payed his bill on time he'd be all good. well when his electricity bill spiked, the cops were informed pretty shortly after. They went into his backyard (where he had more plants) and they took those 10, then they waited for the crop inside which they knew was there to grow in size. when they knew the plants would be big they came to his houe with a warrant in hand and took all 40 plants almost fully grown. weighted it all and he got in alot of shit.
EDIT: my boy thought the plants were just stolen, not confiscated.

the moral of the story is be smart. oh and cops will fuck you over, just cause they dont come to bust you the first month your electricity spikes, theyll come near the end to catch you with the most dank, the more dank you got the heftier the charge. and where im from they weight the whole plant, leaf, stock, everything.
scare tactics are one thing but come on guys be serious.... Its winter time, people use electric to heat thier homes. shit my sister used to use only electric oil heaters to heat her house and i know that was ateast 6000 watts ON TOP of the normal shit.

IM not going into this with the impression i can do anything and get away with it. Only one other guy will know of this and hes harping on me for typing to you guys about this shit. .... I was looking for good insight towards what to do with this room and everyone turns it into some big shit becuase i could possibly yield a shit ton more than the average RIU closet grow. ....

I appreciate everything thats been said but please do not mistake me for an imbecile. I was in the process of brainstorming this adventure and thought RIU would be a great place to get ideas.

....ANYWAYS Thanks everyone for the insight.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mistake you as an imbecile, only passing along information. thats what we do here.
A prior poster said overlaping HPS is the way to go, and after a bunch of research it seems to be ideal for your size room. of coruse the more light the better right?


Well-Known Member
I didn't mistake you as an imbecile, only passing along information. thats what we do here.
A prior poster said overlaping HPS is the way to go, and after a bunch of research it seems to be ideal for your size room. of coruse the more light the better right?
as long as you can keep room temps around 75 why not


Well-Known Member
"I was looking for good insight towards what to do with this room and everyone turns it into some big shit becuase i could possibly yield a shit ton more than the average RIU closet grow. .... "

I appreciate everything thats been said but please do not mistake me for an imbecile. I was in the process of brainstorming this adventure and thought RIU would be a great place to get ideas.

....ANYWAYS Thanks everyone for the insight.
LMAO, starts out beans in hand. Now its just brainstorming. What a joke. Just another kid thinking he will make his living gowing weed. Guess thats why we have jails.


Active Member
I was looking for good insight towards what to do with this room and everyone turns it into some big shit becuase i could possibly yield a shit ton more than the average RIU closet grow
You are right everyone is jealous and they don't want you to out grow them, lmao. You are just a puttz and only want to hear the advice you want to hear. Do what the fuck you want. Just don't make comments on how everyone turns into a "BIG SHIT" giving you advice. You are already an unexperienced grower from what I can tell. 1. for the reasons Cowboylogic gave above. 2. because you say you have 50 seeds and you expect 50 plants lol.



Active Member
Maybe we can all cool down a little bit.
Ive noticed that on RIU as soon as one person becomes someone combative, it becomes a breeding ground for argument.

1) One reason there is so much argument is because its NOT smart to completely write off thermal issues and electrical issues. They are very real issues, and even though they may only be the downfall of like 2% of growers, its still something to consider.

2) if someone doesnt really believe in our advice, thats fine, but i dont think thats reason to call us IDIOTS... we are really just lookin out for people, its not like we told him to feed his plants salt water... we just said "watch for ____"

3) when ASKING for advice on things, you sometimes get advice on matters you wherent expecting advice on. When asking other more expierianced growers, you shouldnt say "ill take advice A but im going to insult you for advice B". Just listen to what everyone says, if u dont want to take advice B then dont, but dont get upset that we gave it to you. YOU came to US for help, and so you should be respectfull with what we say, and we will be respectfull back towards you.

I guess when all is said, we arnt trying to fuck wiht your grow, we are JUST throwing out a few warnings. Take em or leave em.

As for the seed issue, people are right, not even all fem seeds turn female. not all even germinate. so if you do for some reason get 100% germ and fem, then i think you will need another light, but as for right now, i wouldnt invest in it till atleast all plants have broken through the soil...


Well-Known Member
Its good to know there are still mature individuals on this site, even if they are few and far between.

...Thanks to those who helped.

BTW dont expect me to show any results or images from this room/setup. ...Matter a fact i dont even think they exsist. ....peace


Well-Known Member
why don't you mix the HPS and floro or CFL's It'll cut back on heat, electric and provide some extra light down low if you need it. Which you may in a SOG grow
you could take the advice of dude with 15 years exp and overlap the 2 or 3 HPS and add the CFL's with 2700k lights more strategicly. They still grow good bud in my opinion? And if it don't work for you then on the next grow add another HPS??

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
start off small mate , if youve never grown b4 then u will never manage 50 plants from the ge4t!!! go get a couple of grows under your belt first then increase your numbers , .........couldnt be arsed readin all the thread so if im totally off then forgive me .....just smoked some purple stuff from the stash and its very very good lol