hells yeah the roots are underdeveloped, ive had them veg 4 2 weeks also, others ive had b4 had out done these by 1/2 the size. as far as the cups, i have a mom in one 4 4 1/2 months already, only diff is that the moms platform lowers with the water level cause its 2" foam and the cup bottom is 3/4" submerged and never a prob with that, i got lazy and used the containers top instead of shaving another platform to contour the rubmaid bin. self-adjusting platform is the best i see now, no air medium to hold a higher temp between water and platform. also with the cups, i think its the only thing saving me now. i now believe that they've constricted enough roots in a moist but not wet medium to substain the plants survival but not enough for optimal growth. i also believe the spores are in the hydroton rocks so without bleach i cant beat it, cause i sterilized everything, flushed plants under shower head and cleaned the bottoms real pretty and was told to use 8oz per gal of h2o2 so i used 16 oz per 10 gal and it definently stopped it for bout 2 days then a lil appeared and it started in the DRY areas @ the hydroton, even spots with NO ROOTS but water was clean. can this be the reason why some people dont use lids on their rez? air temp in rez is always higher than water in turn air warms water/moisture and in turn promotes pathogens but with flaotable lid/platform! seems as it works as a insulator. thats my problem! dude i swear i got it think about it? in a aero cloner which has rez air temp, and plain rezes. bigger air pump? i have to rebuild my system and re-pot my pot. wont do it! im just gonna crutch them and learn my lesson for next time cause have 300w hps cool tube but with a 80 cfm fan so its weak and warm, temps range from 70*F and creep up to 77*f - 85*f when light turn on for 12/12, on 24/7 it go to bout 90*f- 92*f. i will be moving in the next 2 months so this is what im must work with. this is gonna be a learning experience the hard way! but never again!
thanks everyone for enlightning me on the issue, yet i still will keep looking in on the zymes and see do they really produce benificial slime and if so, how does it look and how heavy it generates.