i need H E L P! hygrozyme, pithium and slime? whats the real scoop?

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
ok i have some cloudy bubbly slime on my roots. i was told it was pithium and that it was a light leak and high water temps that caused it. everything has been corrected as far as the causes but there still slime growing on my roots. some people said that hygrozyme will help but when i went to the hydro store the man said it will promote slime growth, but i still got it used it, and it did as he said, SUPER SLIME GROWTH! so i cleaned off roots and consulted the person that said it will work and he said that hygrozyme produces a slime thats beneificial to the plants:?. the plants dont show signs of hinder, yet! is this all true? i just went into 2nd week of flower and my ppm is at 550 and i try to keep ph at 5.6 instead of 5.8 to deter pithium growth. what to believe?


Well-Known Member
no idea on the hygrozyme. to me, it looks more expensive than it could work. hydroguard is better and cheaper IMO. I think you root issues extend beyond what you are thinking. dont know about those grow cups you are using and how far above the water line your bottom is, but I suspect not far at all or enough.


Well-Known Member
and your roots look white not brown which is a good sign. they do look underdeveloped and I think you are limiting their potential with those cups. they look like clones to start and you basically flowered them right away. if you can keep em healthy and alive, no easy feat in DWC, you should see a 1/2-1/3 zip each. if things go right. personally I would have vegged them a bit longer to up those yields.


Well-Known Member
someone has to have some kind of experience on this, cmon guys? i cant be the only one who this has happend too. am i?:-?
I have seen this stuff, I get it in my ebb-flow reservoir, and I also used to get this stuff in my aero-cloner.

I have not 100% solved this problem but I am working on it. I think the problem will be worse for your hydro system than in my ebb-flow coco coir since the roots don't sit in the water. I can tell you that in my cloner this stuff means 100% failure, but my big plants are thriving. I use beneficial fungi.

a lot of those products you mention use beneficial fungi and the idea with those is add good germ and let the good and bad germs fight it out. But you have a big problem, the good germs would need to do more fighting than is realistic.

H2O2 is your only hope, also physically removing it would help, a UV sterilizer helps a lot, google "UV water clarifier" or sunleaves makes one you can find at www.wormsway.com. You need to hit this pathogen hard and kill it, then you can try that other stuff once the problem is gone. Also swiching to coco in an ebb-flow seems more resiliant to this. DWC and white goo go real bad together.

Oh and the spores are in your water so the problem will keep coming back.


Well-Known Member
no idea on the hygrozyme. to me, it looks more expensive than it could work. hydroguard is better and cheaper IMO. I think you root issues extend beyond what you are thinking. dont know about those grow cups you are using and how far above the water line your bottom is, but I suspect not far at all or enough.
these products are the other stuff I was talking about.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
hells yeah the roots are underdeveloped, ive had them veg 4 2 weeks also, others ive had b4 had out done these by 1/2 the size. as far as the cups, i have a mom in one 4 4 1/2 months already, only diff is that the moms platform lowers with the water level cause its 2" foam and the cup bottom is 3/4" submerged and never a prob with that, i got lazy and used the containers top instead of shaving another platform to contour the rubmaid bin. self-adjusting platform is the best i see now, no air medium to hold a higher temp between water and platform. also with the cups, i think its the only thing saving me now. i now believe that they've constricted enough roots in a moist but not wet medium to substain the plants survival but not enough for optimal growth. i also believe the spores are in the hydroton rocks so without bleach i cant beat it, cause i sterilized everything, flushed plants under shower head and cleaned the bottoms real pretty and was told to use 8oz per gal of h2o2 so i used 16 oz per 10 gal and it definently stopped it for bout 2 days then a lil appeared and it started in the DRY areas @ the hydroton, even spots with NO ROOTS but water was clean. can this be the reason why some people dont use lids on their rez? air temp in rez is always higher than water in turn air warms water/moisture and in turn promotes pathogens but with flaotable lid/platform! seems as it works as a insulator. thats my problem! dude i swear i got it think about it? in a aero cloner which has rez air temp, and plain rezes. bigger air pump? i have to rebuild my system and re-pot my pot. wont do it! im just gonna crutch them and learn my lesson for next time cause have 300w hps cool tube but with a 80 cfm fan so its weak and warm, temps range from 70*F and creep up to 77*f - 85*f when light turn on for 12/12, on 24/7 it go to bout 90*f- 92*f. i will be moving in the next 2 months so this is what im must work with. this is gonna be a learning experience the hard way! but never again!

thanks everyone for enlightning me on the issue, yet i still will keep looking in on the zymes and see do they really produce benificial slime and if so, how does it look and how heavy it generates.


Well-Known Member
hells yeah the roots are underdeveloped, ive had them veg 4 2 weeks also, others ive had b4 had out done these by 1/2 the size. as far as the cups, i have a mom in one 4 4 1/2 months already, only diff is that the moms platform lowers with the water level cause its 2" foam and the cup bottom is 3/4" submerged and never a prob with that, i got lazy and used the containers top instead of shaving another platform to contour the rubmaid bin. self-adjusting platform is the best i see now, no air medium to hold a higher temp between water and platform. also with the cups, i think its the only thing saving me now. i now believe that they've constricted enough roots in a moist but not wet medium to substain the plants survival but not enough for optimal growth. i also believe the spores are in the hydroton rocks so without bleach i cant beat it, cause i sterilized everything, flushed plants under shower head and cleaned the bottoms real pretty and was told to use 8oz per gal of h2o2 so i used 16 oz per 10 gal and it definently stopped it for bout 2 days then a lil appeared and it started in the DRY areas @ the hydroton, even spots with NO ROOTS but water was clean. can this be the reason why some people dont use lids on their rez? air temp in rez is always higher than water in turn air warms water/moisture and in turn promotes pathogens but with flaotable lid/platform! seems as it works as a insulator. thats my problem! dude i swear i got it think about it? in a aero cloner which has rez air temp, and plain rezes. bigger air pump? i have to rebuild my system and re-pot my pot. wont do it! im just gonna crutch them and learn my lesson for next time cause have 300w hps cool tube but with a 80 cfm fan so its weak and warm, temps range from 70*F and creep up to 77*f - 85*f when light turn on for 12/12, on 24/7 it go to bout 90*f- 92*f. i will be moving in the next 2 months so this is what im must work with. this is gonna be a learning experience the hard way! but never again!

thanks everyone for enlightning me on the issue, yet i still will keep looking in on the zymes and see do they really produce benificial slime and if so, how does it look and how heavy it generates.

My aero cloner is similar to your setup. When I had the slime I put one of these


In there and the white stuff quit growing and lost some of its size, when I started over with the exact same setup and this thing I have had no slime at all and the water has been there for over a month.

Now that I am remembering correctly people said the white stuff was due to my temp being too high, but with this UV thingy I have my water temp set to 86 and so slime at all.

If you use h2o2 you need to use it every 2 or 3 days.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
thanks i will get one as soon as i prove my theory wrong, yet i hope not to. i have shaved a 2" thick floatable/insulated platform to eliminate the air pocket and high air rez temps which i believe may be the cause. i'll definently keep everyone updated on the progress, by the way im gonna transplant them with fresh medium and net cups so lets see what goes on. check it out


ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
ok so i guess it must of been what i said b4, the air pocket btwn the lid and water surface overheated which turned up my water temps. they are 2 weeks in flower and are doing GREAT and they smell like eggs and vanilla and just started to frost up(bagseed-unknown)but the pics suck and my scratch and sniff application doesnt work yet.



Well-Known Member
ok so i guess it must of been what i said b4, the air pocket btwn the lid and water surface overheated which turned up my water temps. they are 2 weeks in flower and are doing GREAT and they smell like eggs and vanilla and just started to frost up(bagseed-unknown)but the pics suck and my scratch and sniff application doesnt work yet.
So did you get the problem under control? Or are your plants doing fine with the stuff?

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
the problem is gone! roots are developed fishbones, and remaining dead infected roots banked to the bottom with the hygrozyme to help. they are doing great, i now swear by the floatable/insulated platform for rez's to deter pathogen growth and will never dwc without it again! thanks everyone for keeping me focused even though everything seemed hopeless. once i get my new cam ill post some pics, they are @ week 3 1/2 now.


Well-Known Member
anybody used a "floatable/insulated platform for rez's to deter pathogen growth" in a ebb-flow system?
I kind of would like to ditch the H2O2 but right now I dont think I could because of pathogen growth.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
you just need to cut it to fit inside and able to move down with the levels. its mostlikely your air temps is making the water surface temps warm enough to home pathogens(analize how much lives at the rim of the surface level to the bottom, its worth a look!). try it out an, 8' 2" thick polysterene insulation board is bout 12$ at home depot. i did!

here's the pics i mentioned


ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
i just fealt that anyone whos been keepin up with this post deserves an ending so heres my harvest wet and unweighed. i would say 3-3 1/2 oz dryed.
