I need help from an experienced indoor grower.


Hey everyone, first time grower here!
The first thing i did was use miracle gro soil with continuous release. (also prevents over and under watering)
I kept the plant from seeding to vegetative (using 3 525 watt cfl lights that equal 1575watts which also equal 15,750 lumens) for four weeks till it reached the height of 12 inches.
...................................(3 weeks old).........(4 weeks old)
During the vegetative growth in the 3rd week i introduced it to fertilizers of 20/20/20 NPK which unfortunately burn the tips of my fan leaves as shown above (which caused claw leaves in the fourth week) I stopped as soon as this happened. (haven't used fertilizers since then)
In the 6th week i placed the plant in a new grow room under a 400watt metal halide lamp under 12/12 lighting to determine the sex of the plant and to enter its pre-flowering stage (perhaps a little too early i dunno). The plant you're looking at now is the same plant from the picture above which is 8 weeks old. I repotted the plant at the beginning of its 8th week with a new soil called "van egmond universal potting soil" its pretty plain look and its ph value between 5.5 and 6.5, and has an EC value of 0.8 and 1.5 (is that good?). There is no Perlite in this soil, but i'm sure there is a lot of it left in the root ball of the plant which which was in the Miracle Gro.


By the way i've just seen the first signs today (which is the end of the eigth week (white hairs on top of the plant!) :clap:

However, the symptoms i've recently gotten are the following:

The claw leaves which u see not only have burnt tip and are getting yellow patches as well. (Perhaps they need nutes?) only the previously infected leaves from the fourth week have shown worse signs of yellowy patches.


In addition, the new growth of leaves beneath the affected fan leaves showed weird signs (anybody?) Also, i must mention that i've cut these ugly leaves off my plant today :hump:


Besides that, all leaves on top of the infected ones are just beautiful and have shown nothing but promise!


Growing Room Details:
Temperature: 80-85 Farenheit
Humidity: Approx. 40%
Light: 400 watt metal halide (floodlight)
Walls: Car reflectors
Ventilation: Small fan and exhaust fan
Soil: Miracle grow (first 8 weeks)
Van Egmond Universal Potting Soil ( 8th week, just started)

Ok folks thats it for now, please if someone can tell me where i went wrong and how to proceed from here on I would be very very grateful. Happy tokin :clap::spew::cuss:


Well-Known Member
Tips? OK.

1. Don't use too much fertilizer.

2. 85F is OK, but optimum temps for growing are 70-80F, if you can get there.

3. HPS bulbs put out a better spectrum than MH for flowering plants. If you don't want to get a separate lamp, you can simply buy an MH "conversion" bulb for around $25.

4. Your overall plant is looking a little spindly. Internode length (space between leaf sets) is longer than optimum. If you want better yield/growth try to keep the light as close to the top of the plant as possible without burning it, and also, you should probably bend the plant over or "top" it to create more flowering tops for better yield.


Well-Known Member
looks like you had the light too far away. Not sure if the cfl was, this would draw the plant tall with little substance. CFL can be real close to the plant. Was the 100w cfl actual watts or really a 23w cfl that shines like a 100 w light? actual wattage should be at least 100w of cfl per plant.. it should be as close as possible to the plant without burning. This is usually 1 or 2 inches.

Your nute burn is because you used too much, simple enough, remeber you used soil WITH fertilizer in it... I did the same thing :+) just keep plugging and you wll rock. You will get some decent smoke out of that plant anyways.


thanks for that chart buddy, i'm sure it'll be useful when i need it. As of now my problems are focused on soil ingredients. Unfortunately my POS country's lack of good fertilizers has pushed me towards organic neutral soil (i posted its picture front and back at the top), in which i have to mix my own combination of shit into :) any tips on that? like what my soil should contain?


Active Member
if you want a trouble free grow, start with the right medium, and a professionally mixed nutrient system. Issues are easier to pinpoint when at least one parameter is dialed in. the tops look good so your re-pot was a success. In my experiences miracle grow pre mix is not for marijuana growing, but great for experiencing issues non stop in the grow room. 85 is too hot without additional co2.