i need help growin my weed


Well-Known Member
problem in your room is that its only 2ft high and 1 ft wide. you might be able to get a few smokes using fluros and cfl's in that space but you will not be self sufficient for sure. can you put them in another space? if so how big is it? typically you should be using HPS light to flower with if you want a decent harvest


Well-Known Member
Are you growing hydro? I've had experiences like that whan I was trying hydro...plants looked healthy they just didn't grow. I know hydro works great for a lot of people but for me I came up with a saying...you can watch your soil grow or you can try to figure out why your hydro isn't growing. Good luck!
that saying is bullshit. i'm a hydro activist lol you must have messed up something. once you know hydro, theres no turning back. soil was not made for indoor growing and compared to hydro, it sucks
i agree 100% bullshit the biggest plant looks good to me at 5 weeks of veg. im sorry but any grow bible in the world will tell you the point of hydro is for accelerated growth just cause you suck at something doesnt make it not true. sorry for interjecting on the already existing conversation but that post is shit.


Active Member
man if you want a some what worth all the work harvest then i suggest that you go on amazon or ebay and look for a 150hps grow light. you can buy them at $70 with the bulb ready to go, check my sig thats what im using. about the red hairs they are most likely girls, you will definitely spot a male when you see one.
problem in your room is that its only 2ft high and 1 ft wide. you might be able to get a few smokes using fluros and cfl's in that space but you will not be self sufficient for sure. can you put them in another space? if so how big is it? typically you should be using HPS light to flower with if you want a decent harvest
i changed the grow spo like you said now there in ah bathroom shower i dont use its height is ah lil more than 6 feet and width is ah lil more than 3 feet is that good?
man if you want a some what worth all the work harvest then i suggest that you go on amazon or ebay and look for a 150hps grow light. you can buy them at $70 with the bulb ready to go, check my sig thats what im using. about the red hairs they are most likely girls, you will definitely spot a male when you see one.
good lookin bra


Well-Known Member
i changed the grow spo like you said now there in ah bathroom shower i dont use its height is ah lil more than 6 feet and width is ah lil more than 3 feet is that good?
oh yeah that sounds like a right place! so it is 3x?x6?? wat length? more importantly is the space you will use for growing excluding the rest of space? anyway looking at the pics i think you've planted them too close to each other? and finally does that bathroom have an exhaust? you can be self sufficient, just ask on and give more info ;)
oh yeah that sounds like a right place! so it is 3x?x6?? wat length? more importantly is the space you will use for growing excluding the rest of space? anyway looking at the pics i think you've planted them too close to each other? and finally does that bathroom have an exhaust? you can be self sufficient, just ask on and give more info ;)
length is ah lil more than 3 feet too, yeh i did plant them to close together, no exhaust but i have ah fan in therei turn on, and yeh the spae im using for growing is excludin the rest of space. do i need nutrients to grow them if so wat kind do you use2nd one.jpg?View attachment the 1st one.jpg


Well-Known Member
great, well now you need to make an exhaust and get HPS for flowering. a good 400w can cover this area. check the lumen output, you need minimum of 50watts/sq.foot to flower. simply putting oscilating fan doesn't lower temps, you need to dump hot air to the outside. get an aircooled light it helps a lot. placing the plants this close together in same pot was a mistake but you probably can work around it. place them in a big container, then train them by tying them away from each other so that the canopy covers your grow area. you surely need soil ferts but i'm no soil grower so i can't advise on which brand to use. if you're a moderate smoker and a good grower, the 400 can easily supply you. if you're a wake n'bake pothead, it's a different story though. and most importantly, what strain are you growing? it makes all the difference in the world. good pot is born, not grown ;)


Well-Known Member
disagree.growing in soil indoors is easy and is not messy if your careful.its no worse than hydro growing.both have good points and bad points.
Disagree.I use too grow in soil indoors and its great if you want half the amount of weed and difficulty measuring the Ph of the soil. I use too think soil was easier than hydro until I started growing in hydro, and I am here to say there is no way soil is easier than hydro I can give you ten reasons in you like.
great, well now you need to make an exhaust and get HPS for flowering. a good 400w can cover this area. check the lumen output, you need minimum of 50watts/sq.foot to flower. simply putting oscilating fan doesn't lower temps, you need to dump hot air to the outside. get an aircooled light it helps a lot. placing the plants this close together in same pot was a mistake but you probably can work around it. place them in a big container, then train them by tying them away from each other so that the canopy covers your grow area. you surely need soil ferts but i'm no soil grower so i can't advise on which brand to use. if you're a moderate smoker and a good grower, the 400 can easily supply you. if you're a wake n'bake pothead, it's a different story though. and most importantly, what strain are you growing? it makes all the difference in the world. good pot is born, not grown ;)
alright cool and im growin og kush-juicy fruit-purple haze
great, well now you need to make an exhaust and get HPS for flowering. a good 400w can cover this area. check the lumen output, you need minimum of 50watts/sq.foot to flower. simply putting oscilating fan doesn't lower temps, you need to dump hot air to the outside. get an aircooled light it helps a lot. placing the plants this close together in same pot was a mistake but you probably can work around it. place them in a big container, then train them by tying them away from each other so that the canopy covers your grow area. you surely need soil ferts but i'm no soil grower so i can't advise on which brand to use. if you're a moderate smoker and a good grower, the 400 can easily supply you. if you're a wake n'bake pothead, it's a different story though. and most importantly, what strain are you growing? it makes all the difference in the world. good pot is born, not grown ;)

zem if i open up the window in the bathroom and run that fan would that be good?


Well-Known Member
zem if i open up the window in the bathroom and run that fan would that be good?
the fan should be dumping air out so you need to place it on the window like you would with exhaust, you need to close it with a cardboard or wood or something and make an opening just the size of fan so that it creates negative air pressure inside, then you need a hole for passive air intake,a cracked door would do.
the fan should be dumping air out so you need to place it on the window like you would with exhaust, you need to close it with a cardboard or wood or something and make an opening just the size of fan so that it creates negative air pressure inside, then you need a hole for passive air intake,a cracked door would do.
ok, so i need the fan turned to blowing outside or inside? and i gotta go some wea for 4 days and have absolutly no one to take care of my plants will they survive for 4 days in the dark?


Well-Known Member
outside. keep light on a timer. if soil bucket is big enough, they should handle 4 days. just water them before leaving