i need help growing outdoors

c cinco

i need help growing outdoors. im using organic soil (fox farms ocean)
1. i bought clones but im outdoors what size pot should i be using??
2. when do i add guano to my plants (they are around 1 month and 2 weeks)?


Active Member
1. Whatever size you feel, 5 gallon bucket if you never want to transfer them again.
2. Why not now?


Well-Known Member
What kind of guano are you planning on feeding them? Also the bigger pot you can get the better at the end. There are different types of guano one that good in veg one that is good in bloom.


Well-Known Member
i have had problems in the past with up potting too big too soon and ROOT ROT,it would seem that letting the root system mature a little bit before sticking into a five gallon bucket has it's benefits

and the new smart pots are interesting in the fact they say you can get a bigger plant out of a smaller pot


Well-Known Member
Absolutly, I would watch jumping to such a big pot so fast.
What regin are the plants grown in?
How big are the plants as of now?
I dont know what your season is like, But, if I use Ocean Forest outside where I live I will have to water at least twice a day.
Only reason I say this is cause I know. Check out my thread "In the mountains.2009" All of that was grown with Sunshine#4 and FoxFarm Ocean Forest.

I have since moved on to a Organic mulch/compost/manure mix with nice results. So far.
Reason is. Indoor mix's dont do so well outdoors and that mix is for maximum aireation and will dry out very fast on you so be careful.

I would ask what your intendid harvest size was?


Active Member
i used ffof in my holes and plants are thriving...and the ffof has enough nutes in it that you shouldnt need to add any for atleast maybe a month..i know im not adding any for at least a month..and the guano there is certain types depending on the stage you will be in when ya add it make sure you take notice at that...also a little heads up on putting ffof out..depending on where your at in the country,,i would put a fence around your hole..cause i didnt and just put it around the plant only and the next day something dug the ffof up and made holes and all my holes...but since i added more chicken wire to the outside of the hole..no problems.....animals are attracted to fresh soil especially ffof..its good shit

c cinco

i would first like to start off by saying thanks for the replys.... i am growing in 5 gallon buckects.. i will post pictures tomorrow morning (because i didnt know how to ..but i do now).. i am growing in southern cali they were clones that looked as if they would die before i even got a chance to plant them but they took very well..i water them one time a day around high noon... please bare with me this is my first ever grow.. I ALSO did not know what type of guano to add in there but my fellow grower said i need to add the guano.. i once again would like to thank you guys for your input


Well-Known Member
those look like they are flowering? are those white hairs coming out of the top? do you have holes in the bottom of those buckets?

c cinco

yes they have white hairs growing out..i have holes in the buccect.... can you tell me what should be my next step please????


Active Member
them girls look dam nice bud good job!!..do you plan on using liquid fertilizer?? i would if it was me...i say your next step would be to get some nutes and add them at a low strength at first every other watering and gradually adding more nute to the water...if you use fox farm make sure ya look at there feeding schedule on there site....thats all for the liquid fertilizer tho....i dont know if you was planning on taken them out of the buckets and putting them in the ground or not but you can leave them in the buckets and have no problems....now comes the hard part...waiting for them to grow...patients...sucks...but thats where im at now just waiting and letting them grow


Well-Known Member
Southern Cali, black buckets, I would get white buckets. Other wise looks real good, best of luck with them.:peace:


Well-Known Member
the white hairs mean it has started flowering and they are female (thats what you want). But are you hoping for them to get bigger or do you want to start flowering them now? If you want them to continue vegging you need to feed them primarily nitrogen in a veg fert and make sure they get as much direct sunlight as possible. If you want them to flower start feeding them a bloom fert with more K.

c cinco

i would like for them to get bigger.. i'm going to leave them in the buckects..i was told by a friend that i should use fox farm tiger bloom now but im not to sure that he knows what he is talking about can anyone give me another type of nutrients that i can use or add....i would also like to know if anyone can guess what i should yeild off of my plants i have one og and one master kush..i know i need to add something now because i have white hairs growing so can someone give me some tips on what they use or what i should use

c cinco

i also would like to know if i add the nutrients is that gonna mess with my ph level or is that only for indoor growing on the ph levels(bare with me 1st time grower)