I need help growing

hey, ok right now im in the beginning of my second week of growing sour diesel(supposedly) and up till 2 days ago they were growing non-stop and beautifully, then i listened to my brother and transplanted the bigger ones into a 3 gallon container. i am concerned because i have not noticed any growth? they look perfectly healthy, it just seems as if they have stunted growth? i think it could possibly be because of the limited ventilation in my closet? i am watering it perfectly, and i cannot think of any reason why they would not be growing? and another thing, its not just the bigger plants that have stopped growing it is all 6 of them? i don't know whats wrong. please help me. if they grow properly i could get some extra money and help my mom out. and btw this is my second time growing, but the first time i grew blueberry kush, which my dad said is a different process to grow overall. id appreciate it if someone could give me advice ")



Well-Known Member
just give them some time. transplanting is stressful on plants , and they can take a few days to recover. its never a bad i dea to transplant into bigger pots, it just lets the roots stretch and your plant grow bigger


Active Member
those seedlings look a little young to be transplanting already, but yea, they're probably just in shock, give it a few days and growth should hopefully resume to normal. By the way, I hope when you transplanted them that they were all put in separate containers? Because if not, their roots will become entangled and their growth will either stop or they will simply wilt and die.

Hope this helps.