Well-Known Member
thats why i try to stick to US based breeders. In house is prolly my best bet from now on or places like green house. I have some chemical bride veggin right now but im scared the same thing is gonna happen again as it did with the lemon og. god damn weed companies giving me trust issues lol
What are you feeding?
I've bought and grown seeds from European outfits for years and have never had anything hermie that wasn't a true landrace. I've grown all kinds of freebies from Seedman and Sensible seeds. Not a single hermie.
All these hermie issues people are having is more than likely caused by something the grower is doing. But everyone is quick to blame the seeds. It's an easy scapegoat.
I am of the opinion that much of it is caused by what people are feeding their plants. Many of the ingredients and additives used that are cannabis specific contain naturally occurring PGR's. Kelp for example has naturally occurring PGR's such as gibberellins, cytonkins, auxins. Add those with whatever unlisted ingredients are in some of these cannabis snake oil products, amino acids, and other stuff and who the hell knows what the fuck is going on and how the combinations are affecting the plant.
There has been very little scientific studies on the use of these and their effect on cannabis. It's been more like "Let's put it in". Then some cannabis grower buys in to all the marketing bullshit and has to have whatever flavor of the day product it is because they heard through the broscience grapevine they need it for their plants to get the biggest buds possible. In chemistry you know not to mix this with that because you'll get reaction X. With cannabis specific nutrients it's become mixes of this and that without any studies to determine how the ingredients react.
I'm not buying all these bad seeds causing all the hermies that have been popping up recently. All I have is a theory I can't prove but something's going on and I don't think it's the seeds because grower A's plants hermie yet growers B,C,D,E,F, etc... grow the same seeds without any issues. I know many will say "What the hell is this guy talking about?" and that's fine. But I'm not just going to blame seeds as an easy scapegoat. Something else is going on.