I need help picking out the right Light??

din'e medicine

Active Member
I need help picking the right CFL for VEg and the right CFL for flowering? and how many bulbs will i need of each? My grow space is 2ft. 7in. x 20in and 5ft. 3in. tall. I want to be able to flower atleast two Females. Thanks guys, if you can help.


Well-Known Member
6500k/Daylight for veg. 13-25 actual watts per sq foot.
2700k/Warm White for flowering. 50-100 actual watts per sq foot for best results


Well-Known Member
Gonna be tricky getting two decent plants in that small space, IMO.
I'm currently flowering some clones I put into 12/12 at maybe 9", sprayed with BushMaster to keep them small, did zero training, and any one of those would fill your floor space . . . and those are under 600W HPS.


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt have a problem groming a couple females in that space just make sure they arent TALL sativas and keep them to a main bud... also check out SCROG it may be a good setup for you to max your yeild and take advantage of your height issue :eyesmoke: