I need Help PLEASE!!!!! kief box HASH!!!

So i have some left over trimmings from this years harvest, my goal with them is to
make some Blonde Lebonise type hash (Im pretty sure i spelled that wrong) the
best quality i can without investing in the bubble bags. i found a website that
makes some pretty nice custom kief boxes if i purchased this specific box would it
be able to make that nice blonde hash?
http://mrkeifboxwoodworking.com/MrKeifboxProducts.aspx (its the 12"x12"x3.5"
high 3 compartment 120 micron silk screen, its about half way down the page.) i've made great hash before but my box is long gone and it was years ago, i hate leafy hash i wanna make it as pure as i can using the silk screen method.

Do you think 120 micron silkscreen is too Fine? should i go with 100? 110?i dont want hairs and leafy crumbs in my hash or at least as little as possible ill put in extra tender care and hard work to make sure of it!

Thanks so much!! :peace: Nickel :peace:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I have an 8x8....works awesome :) one thing you'll also need is a press (pollen press) to actually compress your keif into something.......i would also recommend smoking a keif blunt....frickin' amazing!
I have an 8x8....works awesome :) one thing you'll also need is a press (pollen press) to actually compress your keif into something.......i would also recommend smoking a keif blunt....frickin' amazing!
I was thinking about putting all the kief into a plastic bag and pressing the shit out of it with a rolling pin tryin to save some money


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about putting all the kief into a plastic bag and pressing the shit out of it with a rolling pin tryin to save some money
pretty sure that screen would work, the finer the screen the better the keif though.

You can take the stuff and smash it into the corner of a baggie, make it into a ball by twisting the baggie, then microwave it for like 5 seconds. It'll turn into a nice solid ball.


Well-Known Member
i have a Gajanana's pollen box with 110 micron screen and just made some very fine quality himalayan gold hash and OG 18 hash. The kief from the himalayan was very blonde. i just scrape it into a pile then start pressing a ball between my index fingers and thumbs, and work it together pressing it as hard as i can make it, then i either make another ball with the leftovers to add to it, or i gather the kief by pressing it to my thumb, then press it into the ball. i start with dry trim in the box, then gradually break it up and sift it over the screen using a credit card. scraping the screen with the card helps keep the resin from clogging the screen aswell. i dont find any plant matter at all in my kief till all the trichs are gone and i basically just have broken up shake in the box. the box is nice to work with because u can just scrape the kief off the glass slide with a razor when it gets stuck to it ( no wasted kief). i have a 12 x6, and for 80 bucks its one of the better purchases i've made. :joint: farmer