i need help please

stoney jim

im new to this site so please forgive me if this question has already been answered but i need to know if plants continue to grow after they have begun to flowerbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
for the first few weeks of flowering your plants will stretch...

the more sativa dominant the more they will stretch..

usually the stretching is 2 to 3 times the size the plant was when it started flowering...

if you want to control the height you can tie down your plant with some low stress training (LST) work....

stoney jim

thanks lads.its my first grow.indoor autoflowering pakistan ryder and lowberry.have any of you had experience with these breeds


Active Member
Yes I have Mine only ave.d about 2.5 feet or less before they were ready for harvest. I got a very nice yield tho

stoney jim

nice.my pakistan ryder seem to be out performing the lowberry at the moment.i got the lowberry from grow xxx and have since read lots of horror stories bout them like them not flowering.