I Need Help Please


Well-Known Member
should i give them neuts
or have i just overwarterd them?? how does weed grow natrually in foreign contries? neutrients already in the soil??


check ur leafs 4 bugs bugs will usualy attack the stem first and it willl kill ur plant if there arew bugs on the plant move the light closer 4 an hour or two water them real gd afterwards and id suggest getting a fan or atleast hit ur plants with a blo dryer twice a a day


Active Member
signs of overwatering includes drooping leaves... overwatered plants generally look quite sad. Your plant looks like it just needs a bit of food, it is safe to give your plant 1/4th of the reccomended feeding of vegetative nutes after 3 weeks old. Just make sure you give it at least 1/4 the reccomended dosage the first time or two to get your plants roots used to the nutes, if not you'll burn your plant up, and not the good kind :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks.. so just some normal veg neuts.. or bigbloom. or miracle grow or wat?
could it be my p.h in my water thats the problem??


ur plants will be better off in a flood after a two inch grow try putting egg shells in the soil u r using it will be a gd sorce of nuts 4 it