I need help please.

Alright well im very new too this.
i've been using this subtance for a while now and i just got my drug card
i can grow 4 plants legally.
and i've never grown before

what should i do? easier to grow out side? or inside
i live in canada its just the end of winter almost i want to put some plants outside ?
where should i get some seeeds? should i start growing them inside?

all questions appreciated i really need help guys.
i can't pay 100 bucks for a half no more its craziness.
please help.

greatly appreciated
- another pot smoker .


Active Member
Asking everthing there.
Try reading the forum a bit first to get at least some knowledge.
Type seed banks into google...... LOADS OF SEEDS.
i've really been searching and yes edit, i've just ordered my seeds.
could you give me some tips ?

i want to grow outside, should i just throw my seeds out there? should i plant them (bury)
yeah i really need this.
ugh...no lie, i once forgot about some little clones that looked liked they had died outside at the beginining of summer.......i totally found them like a month and a half later, one was over 3 feet tall. the grass had been trimmed nicely around the pots, thanks gardeners! and they had apparently gotten great light and watch (sprinklers:) during those six weeks.....in my front yard, no lie.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you check this link out. It has tonnes of info, and leads to other good links.

101 Already Answered Questions.....not really 101 but close...lol

Or this one.....

How to Grow MJ

As far as indoor vs outdoor.....it largely depends where you are. Canada can be tricky as far outdoor....though it is possible. Outdoor requires a strain of MJ that has a short flowering cycle up here. (I'm up here too :-P)

Nirvana seeds is my choice for seed companies abroad, and if you choose to get seeds from Canada, I suggest BCSeedKing. These suggestions are based on hundreds of reviews and forum comments I have browsed in the last month or so, while contemplating my next show.
But Attitude seeds has it's good moments too I suppose. Good deals fairly often.

But yeah, if you just browse, you can find tonnes of advice, especially in the stickies.
alright dude, thanks for the advice.
i live in southwestern ontario not sure how the soil is here.
but i'll give some BC seeds a chance lets see how this goes.
thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Hey no prob. Soil is NEVER an issue as long as you don't let it be. There are ways around various soil conditions.....like don't use it....put soil-less mix in a hole and plant in that.

How is the winter over there? I'm up in Northern BC and I still have snow piles up to my chin on my driveway. You have to take into consideration the long winters we have in Canada. Freezing can kill plants.

You have a bit to read. Let us know what you come up with.


I am on my third grow and didn't really need to post question till the end of the second. Search the forums..your answers lie there. You can find stickies or FAQ's for newbies. You will be hard pressed to find anyone to tell you what exactly you need to do.

Growing bud is like masturbating...there is a general idea...but everyone does it differently.
yeah our winter has been relivtly easy

not alot of snow we have maybe a centimeter left..

so our spring time is COMING SOON
really excited and yes i've read alot so far i know i've got alot to learn
but knowledge will come in time.
thankyou all.