i need help pls


i have a question for all the pros...i havent done this in a long time and now im back at it for med reasons...i started growing 9 wks ago n they all stunted...i got them to start back up n everything seems ok but i killed a hermi due to it flowering...but everything else seems really hard to tell cause the nodes look all the same, the balls dont seem to lower and there are no pistols on ne of the plants yet....ne suggestions..i just dont want to kill a female thinking it mite be male...n the plant i killed today went from unnown to flowering in 3 days​


Well-Known Member
pictures 2,7,8,11 looks to b male but still kinda blurry if u can try to git a focused shot of the nodes


PIC_0058.jpgPIC_0055.jpgPIC_0052.jpgPIC_0049.jpgPIC_0057.jpgPIC_0048.jpgPIC_0046.jpgPIC_0050.jpgPIC_0045.jpgPIC_0051.jpgPIC_0054.jpgPIC_0047.jpgPIC_0056.jpgthese pic should be alot better...diff camara...im really sorry and thats for the patients and helpPIC_0053.jpg


thanks for your help geetee n jesus of cannabis...one last question..do the pistillates come after the males bloom

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Males show up sooner then females.
Just be sure and give them all another week.
They wont start to pollinate until around week 3 or 4.
But definitly try to get the males out first!


Active Member
The females are not waiting on males.You will probably start seeing pistils in a few days.However,your females will stretch in flowering to look for pollen from males.


could it also b that im getting confused due to them being hermi..they underwent stress bout four wks in n now when i look at them one level looks female n the next looks male

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
Your camera should have a "Macro" setting. The macro setting is for taking close-ups. Turn on the macro and the close-up pics won't be blurry.