i need help quick before too late!!!


Active Member
ok well, i transplanted one of them out so there werent 2 in 1 pot, and its looking like flat out shit... all the leaves are completly hanging down, and some are kind of yellow, i waited 2 days before watering it again, after i transplanted (today) when i checked uppp on it... what can i do for it to help it out? (its also in red dirt) really really bad dirt you can find any where around here, and then my biggest one is showing signs of nutrients burns, the tips of the leaves are dried up and brown and a little yellow, what should i do about that? im using Earth Worm Juice "Grow" 2 table spoons per galon of water, is this too much? if so can you help me out with this? it says 3 tablespoons when their in veg stage, so i did 2 just in case and this is what happens.. so any info would be great!!
another thing, i have another one that is dark green, looking really healthy and showing no signs of nute burns... idk what to do so any info at all would be great!!! (asap)


Well-Known Member
hmmm man this sux. Are you checking your ph?? after you add nutes? What kind of water you using? You might want to give them just water to flush the nutes if you think that is the prob. pics would realy help. But it could be a ph prob in soil and or water. which tend to effect each other anyways. You can test soil ph realy easily if you have a ph test kit? And what kind of light source? I missed that part sorry.

well good luck keep us posted!

did you name them yet? Trust me it helps


Active Member
they get sun most all day from 7 to 8, and yea it could possibly be the PH, i checked it last week and it was around 6.5, and someone stole my camera and i dont have money for a new one right now.. so i gotta borrow my friends for a few days, ima try and get it here sometime this week but yea.. thats the only thing i coould think it would be is the nutes... i might be wrong which is what im afraid of heh


Well-Known Member
hmmm well if you eliminate all other factors then it is safe to say it is the nutes. give them water for now and let them recover. Man sorry I cant help more. My babies are in their last few weeks of flowering , but I remember when they were young and fragile. good luck my friend~


Active Member
so flushing means just water, no nutes this time, then next time around when i go to water them, add the nutes again??


Well-Known Member
Yeah just use water now to flush out the nutes if you put too much in.
Wait a while and try smaller doses the next time you do use em'.


Active Member
another question though... what happens to the plant when they get nutrients burns on them?? does it put it in a state of shock of some kind or what goes on?


Well-Known Member
another question though... what happens to the plant when they get nutrients burns on them?? does it put it in a state of shock of some kind or what goes on?
it kills off plant volume/material/cells which will not recover from the damage. if the plant survives the burns new plant grow will replace the lost material but in general it is a setback to the plants development.


Active Member
well their looking GREAT todayy.... i see outragious growth within 2 days, one of them have doubled in size since last week, and looking healthy!!


Active Member
well i checked on my girls today, and wow... they are looking GREAT! i flushed em' out today, no nutes or anything, and one have doubled in size since last week, i see tremendous growth just in the 2 days in between watering sessions... i sold the little little one, thats looking really droopy and dead looking, but its hangin in there, also i had a question about that one, the upper half of the stem on it is purple... what could this be? genes possibly? also, how much of the roots do you need to lose off a plant from transplanting it, to completely die, (no chance to survive) someone told me they've lost around 90% of the roots and it still lived, im not sure if this is true, i didnt witness it, but i wanted your guyes oppinion! thanks


Active Member
sorry about that other message 2 above this one.. it went to be the one right above this one but i accidently pressed the enter button while typing.. haha


Well-Known Member
I usually put my hand over the top of the pot and catch the soil and plant in my hand when I turn the pot upside down.

If you wet it down good first the soil will stay clumped together.
If it is rootbound it will stay one complete ball the shape of the pot.

You would be much better off getting some cheap potting soil than using that red dirt.


Active Member
oh alright, yea i was going to get an all organic soil... hella good shit lol.. the stores right down the road from my house so i think im going to pick it up tomarrow..