Yea they have perlite at my local home depot im going to get that but i noticed the rocks 2 ...i jus dont understand my first set didnt sprout
Yea they have perlite at my local home depot im going to get that but i noticed the rocks 2 ...i jus dont understand my first set didnt sprout
i used the napkin method they sprouted out the seed but never sprouted out the soil.
Yes they where white tail down,seed up. I planted them last monday
Is 6"too much?so its been only 4 days since planting ??????????.
How deep did you plant them ??????????????.
Yes but i saw white hairs comin out my soil wich to me meant fungus. so i will be gettin all new products for my new grow
Yes but i saw white hairs comin out my soil wich to me meant fungus. so i will be gettin all new products for my new grow
Are you sure those weren't the roots? Can post pictures?
it was not roots they were on top of the soil like a mildew
I have been takin notes since my first grow. ive been readin e erything i readin about growin weed so often my girl might think im cheatin